Sienna and Ifans Get Drunk Again

steph Aug 31, 2007

Sienna and Ifans Get Drunk Again
Sienna and Ifans Get Drunk Again

Sienna Miller may have stepped out to make her foray into the world of fashion design, but she ended the night looking anything but stylish.

The actress left the Notting Hill launch of her brand Twenty8Twelve in a right mess, having knocked back one too many celebratory drinks with the help of her new companion Rhys Ifans.

The party pals chalked up yet another wild night together, stumbling back to her home at 3.30am looking bleary-eyed and worse for wear.

Earlier in the night, Miller - whose chipped nail polish did little to help her disheveled look - had to call on friends to help her keep upright.

After the launch party at The Lonsdale, she and Ifans then carried on the celebrations at a friend’s party before eventually making it home.

While Miller has denied she’s dating the actor, he has certainly been a constant presence in her life in recent times and has even been staying at her London flat since they returned together from Ibiza earlier this month.

Sienna recently told the Daily Mail: “Rhys and I are just friends, we’ve known each other for years, we are definitely not sleeping together.

“He’s crashing on my couch because his boat is flooded and I’m being the good samaritan and providing him with a roof over his head.”

Ifans is said to be dating Iris Palmer, whom he met a few months ago.

The 25-year-old actress recently said she was hoping to settle down and live a more serene “earth mother” life, but with the help of the 40-year-old Welsh actor, she shows no sign of losing her party girl title.

And in an interview with American Vogue magazine she said: “I’m free-spirited and it gets me into trouble. It’s hard to be yourself and be accepted in the world I move in. I look around and see a lot of miserable people. But I am happy.”

Ifans is a close friend of model Kate Moss, and recently joined her in Marbella with her pals Kelly Osbourne, Davinia Taylor, Holly Davidson and Rose Ferguson on her holiday following the break-up of her relationship with Pete Doherty.

Meanwhile Miller is due to appear in court as a defence witness for pro-hunt campaigner Otis Ferry, from Shropshire, when he faces charges of criminal damage.

The son of Roxy Music singer Bryan Ferry allegedly leant through the car window of the two photographers, Charlie Pycroft and Ben Brett, grabbed their keys and threw them away.

Miller and Ferry’s younger brother were rumoured to be a couple at the time and had been partying at the Boujis nightclub in South Kensington.

The 24-year-old’s trial was due to start at West London Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday but he failed to appear, blaming a migraine.

Otis recovered in time to make an appearance at Miller’s clothing launch.

Ferry, from Eaton, is accused of preventing photographers from taking pictures of Miller and his brother Isaac when they left a London nightclub together in February.

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