August 20, 2007
Sailcloth Totes from Red Flag Design
Red Flag Design out of Vancouver, British Columbia designs totes to be constructed from recycled and reused materials. Now in stock from Red Flag is their AUM_RecycledSailcloth totes which are made with rescued and almost discarded sailcloth. These unique totes don’t hide their globetrotting past, with some styles showing the numbers and markings from the particular boat they came from.
All of the totes are one-of-a-kind creations and come in three main styles
Medium Duffel
Snapshot Survey
75 X 13.75 X 15 Inches | $233-$256 USD
Small Duffel
5 X 11.75 X 12 Inches | $186 USD
Shoulder Tote
5 X 12.5 X 7 Inches | $163-$168 USD
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