good evening! this week's **STAR** magazine moves on from pouncing on a grieving angelina jolie to worrying about her safety while living down in new orleans but let's not forget that louisiana city is just one of their many global residences - the jolie-pitt clan seems to be constantly on the move all around the world! i've never been to 'the big easy' but i'd sure love to go someday (oh my gosh i haven't had a vacation in a really long time...when i do finally get away there has to be net access!) the article paints quite a dismal & sad portrait of the ravaged city with crime on the rise and tons of areas still not even close to being fully cleaned up & rebuilt from the terrible devastation of hurricane katrina (i doubt many places will ever be the same again) i'm quite sure brangelina will be fine and i think it's great the couple and their family have brought a little spotlight to the city (even if they do have to have their wits about them ) new orleans sure needs all the love & attention it can get! popbytes over & out for tonight...xxoo!
the jolie-pitts return to the big easy with murders on the rise and neighbors fearing for their safety perhaps even more alarming, it seems that the couple has also dispensed with much of the security detail that surrounded them on the west coast. "they just come and go like everyone else," an eyewitness tells star. "they seem really relaxed [like] they don't have a care in the world." both parents have even been seen taking maddox to his private school with no bodyguards in sight.
"picking up maddox at school in plain view with no obvious security makes me shudder," a new orleans security expert tells star. "high-profile people are targets and should take every precaution to protect themselves and their loved ones."
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