7 Reasons NOT to Shop at Wal-mart ...


7 Reasons NOT to Shop at Wal-mart ...
7 Reasons NOT to Shop at Wal-mart ...

As much as I love saving money, I can’t say that I’ve ever really shopped at Wal-mart. Most people recoil with horror when I tell them that, like I’m un-American or anti-savings or something, but to be honest, there are a lot of reasons I don’t shop at Wal-mart, and saving money is one of the reasons why! Here are 7 reasons NOT to shop at Wal-mart… are you ready?

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They’re Not the Cheapest!

In a recent lawsuit, a consumer group forced Wal-mart to stop using the slogan “always the lowest prices,” because frankly, Wal-mart DOESN’T always offer the lowest prices. Sure, their sale prices are pretty good, but even then, you have to be careful and do a little investigating. Sometimes the sale price is on only a few (literally) pieces, so by the time you arrive at the store, all 3 of the microwaves or whatever have sold out… but there is another, similar one available, for just a little more… so you buy it, and then later realize you actually paid more for it than if you’d gone somewhere else. Wal-mart can get away with this because they actually DID have a few of the sale-priced microwaves (or whatever), so it’s technically not a classic bait-and-switch routine.


Another reason why Wal-mart may not be the cheapest option is their pricing strategy. They often advertise sale prices that are only available on a limited number of products, leading customers to believe they are getting a great deal. However, once those products are sold out, customers end up paying more for a similar item. This tactic allows Wal-mart to technically not engage in bait-and-switch, but still make a profit off of customers who are not aware of the limited availability of the sale items. It's important for consumers to do their research and compare prices before assuming Wal-mart always offers the lowest prices.


They Have Unfair Employment Practices

It’s well-documented that Wal-mart has very unfair, wretchedly horrible employment practices. Numerous states and individuals have sued, and many have won, based on the fact that they’re sexist, and, among other things, that they don’t classify many of their full-time workers as full-time to avoid paying benefits. Do a little research, and you’ll see I’m not just being biased. It’s true.


Wal-mart is the largest employer in the United States and is known for its low prices and convenient shopping. However, for many people, the negative aspects of Wal-mart far outweigh the positives. One of the most concerning issues with Wal-mart is their unfair employment practices.

Wal-mart has been accused of numerous violations of labor laws, including discrimination, wage theft, and misclassification of employees. They have been accused of discriminating against women and minorities in hiring, promotion, and pay. Additionally, Wal-mart has been accused of not providing proper overtime pay and of misclassifying employees as part-time to avoid paying benefits.

Wal-mart has also been accused of creating a hostile work environment. Employees have reported being subjected to verbal and physical abuse from supervisors, as well as being required to work in dangerous and unhealthy conditions. In addition, Wal-mart has been criticized for its low wages and lack of job security.


They’re a Burden on the System

Did you know that up until quite recently, Wal-mart’s own employee handbook suggested that their employees seek out state aid for help with health care, since Wal-mart didn’t offer it to so many of their employees? In fact, one state in particular (on the east coast) was so overwhelmed with servicing Wal-mart employees, they sued Wal-mart… and won! When the state ordered Wal-mart to start paying after a certain number of employees, they skirted the law by simply firing people until they were behind that threshold. Clever, but heartless!


They Don’t Buy American!

It’s ironic that so many people accuse me of being un-American for not shopping at Wal-mart, when Wal-mart themselves rarely buy American! Check the labels… that’s all I have to say!


They Cater to the LCD

I also refuse to shop at Wal-mart because they truly tend to cater to our country’s lowest common denominator. I mean, have you ever seen the people on peopleofwalmart.com?


Wal-mart has been known for its low prices, but it has also been criticized for its lack of quality in many of its products. Furthermore, the company has been accused of exploiting its workers and underpaying them. Additionally, Wal-mart has been criticized for its environmental policies, which have been found to be harmful to the environment. Furthermore, Wal-mart has been known to target lower-income customers, which has led to some people feeling that the company is catering to the lowest common denominator. Wal-mart has also been criticized for its lack of diversity, with many of its employees being of a certain race or gender. Finally, Wal-mart has been accused of having a negative impact on local businesses, as it has been found to drive smaller businesses out of business.


They Contribute to Urban Sprawl

It seems like Wal-mart would rather ignore the plight of inner city residents, and instead of building their stores there, they’ll put them in the middle of a gorgeous, picturesque country-side, this contributing to blight and urban sprawl. Again, if you don’t believe me, again, check out any local news station archives for coverage of protests and other events surrounding rural store openings.


Wal-mart has been accused of contributing to the decline of local businesses and economies, as well as a lack of commitment to the communities in which their stores are located. This is especially true in urban areas, where Wal-mart has been criticized for displacing local businesses and creating blight in the form of urban sprawl. Wal-mart has also been heavily criticized for their labor practices, such as low wages, lack of benefits, and poor working conditions for their employees. Furthermore, Wal-mart has been accused of environmental negligence, with reports of water runoff and pollution from their stores.


Sam Walton Would Be Ashamed

From everything I’ve ever heard, Sam Walton was interested in saving people money. I read in one of his bios that he failed as a barber because he cut people’s hair shorter than they wanted, trying to save them money on their next haircut by pushing it back another week or two. But he wasn’t a man who cut corners, or played unfairly. In my opinion, Sam Walton would be shocked and appalled, and probably ashamed, that his idea for a place where people could save money on things they wanted and needed would have become the behemoth (though wildly profitable) monstrosity it is today.

So while I like saving money as much as the next girl, I won’t shop at Wal-mart for all of these reasons. I know there are a lot of you out there who would disagree with me, but me not shopping at Wal-mart just means a shorter line at the checkout for you, right? What are your thoughts on Wal-mart? Do you love them or loathe them, and why?

Top Photo Credit: `thejas

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I agree that Wal Mart, and many other retail stores, not buying American products is a problem in our Country as it diminishes our GDP, prolonging the recession. It is almost impossible to go anywhere and not buy something made in China, or some other foreign country. Wal Mart is in a unique position as the worlds largest retailer to take the lead and purchase products made in America to sell to its customers, and force the manufacturers to start making products here, again. My closet is filled with clothes and shoes made in somewhere other than the USA, as are most ladies. I don't think just boycotting Wal Mart alone will help this problem, as just about every retail store and boutique you go into, sells clothing made somewhere else. Where can a girl shop these days? Its really a problem that our Federal Government needs to help with as well in the form of huge tax incentives for businesses that manufacture products in the USA. As far as urban sprawl is concerned, Wal Mart has done a much better job of approving the appearance of their newer stores and have actually serves as a catalyst for other retail businesses to open. I do agree that the selection of some of their rural locations have been quite egregious and based purely on snatching up the cheapest land, but as of late, they have thrown alot of money into making sure they develop smart and environmentally conscious, albeit being forced to by regulation. You are right about Sam Walton, I don't think he would not like the way his business is run today, either. He was a great believer in taking care of his employees and making sure that his business was run in a scrupulous manner. Love the points you made. Frankly, I don't like the clothes Wal Mart sells but its a good place to buy extra makeup, accessories, scrunchies, hair care products, etc.

The article on NOT to shop at Wal-mart is right on. We subsidize their employees, who they generally treat horribly, and the other reasons Jennifer K list are something to think about. Excellent points!

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