Paris Wants Your Help and That of Her Former Rep


Paris Wants Your Help and That of Her Former Rep
Paris Wants Your Help and That of Her Former Rep

Paris Hilton is urging fans to show support by signing a petition to Arnold Schwarzenegger requesting a pardon. Hilton posted a message on her MySpace page that reads, "My friend Joshua started this petition, please help and sihn [sic] it. i LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!" The petition, created by Joshua Capone, asks the "Governator" for a pardon and claims, "Paris Whitney Hilton is a 26-year-old American celebrity and socialite. She is an heiress to a share of the Hilton Hotel fortune, as well as to the real estate fortune of her father Richard Hilton. She provides hope for young people all over the U.S. and the world... Please consider granting a pardon to Paris Hilton for her mistake, or at the very least to advocate for a pardon to be given to Ms. Hilton." I'm sorry, but isn't the fact that Hilton is a role model (gasp) an even greater incentive for her to be made an example of? This girl is behaving like she's being sent to the death chamber. It's 45 days, for crying out loud.

It pains me to report on evens more Hilton news... The heiress has rehired publicist Elliot Mintz after firing him over the weekend. Mintz confirmed to the Associated Press this morning that he is back in the busy post of PR rep, but wouldn't elaborate on why the pair have reunited. Maybe she realized how hard he has to work to clean up all her crap.

Via New York Post,source

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