Sheriff Lee Baca, who released Paris from jail early, has been questioned in the past over his decisions regarding celebritites. He has been accused of also favoring Mel Gibson, taking thousands of dollars in freebies, and appointing his friend as "advisor" making $105,000 a year. In 2004, he took more gifts than California's other 57 sheriffs combined.
His latest stunt of releasing Paris early without consulting the Judge appears to be a just another case of Baca taking the law into his own hands. After ordering Hilton back to her cell Friday, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer said he "at no time condoned the actions of the sheriff."
The Judge is also being reprimanded by the union who represents deputy sheriffs. They said, Baca must "put a stop to his special treatment for celebrity inmates." And county Supervisor Don Knabe said he was stunned to find out Baca released Hilton without consulting the court. "I would have thought he would have better judgment than that," Knabe said. Knabe followed up with saying the county Board of Supervisors will demand a report on Hilton's release and Baca's decision-making in the matter.
In regards to Mel Gibson, the department would not release video and audio tapes of the arrest and said it occurred "without incident." I think Gibson would probably describe it as an incident.
As this unfolds further, I'm sure more details will be released. I just can't wait to see what Paris offered up.
Source: Yahoo! News
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