Oprah's Doggie Heartbreak ...

popbytes Jul 16, 2007

Oprah's Doggie Heartbreak  ...
Oprah's Doggie Heartbreak  ...

oh my gosh i hate posting sad news...**oprah winfrey** lost one of her golden retrievers named gracie after she choked on a plastic ball that belonged to her older cocker spaniel sophie! oprah adopted three golden retrievers which she introduced as 'her new family' on her show back in 2005 - the other two are named luke & layla - all three doggies were featured on the cover of her magazine twice - she opens up about the tragic accident in the upcoming august '07 issue of O**...i ran barefoot out of the house and found the dog walker and one of my security guys pumping her chest. just as i reached them, the security guard looked up and said 'she's gone' oh how sad...**gracie was only about two years old!

this story reminded me about my little dog petey who passed away about two and a half years ago after choking on his food - i was devastated and still think about him on a daily basis - he was the best and such a sweet dog! my thoughts & prayers go out to ms. winfrey and please make sure there's nothing around that your dog could possibly choke on or hurt themselves with - i'm overly paranoid when it comes to my doggies parker & fidel - i simply couldn't bear losing another one tragically - popbytes over & out for now - xxoo

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