Off to Market Everyday Table Setting


Off to Market Everyday Table Setting
Off to Market Everyday Table Setting

The other day my sister was telling me about her best friend Erica's strange passion for placemats. My sister was discussing how it was kind of odd and wondered how someone could get so excited about placemats. I listened quietly for a moment before bursting out loudly, "I love placemats too!" My sister was baffled, but I explained that placemats are an excellent way to change the mood of your kitchen. I change my placemats several times a year and have a whole bunch of fun sets. Unfortunately my winter placemat set has gotten a lot of use already and some of the placemats have been soiled beyond repair. I need a new table setting and I need one soon, so help me find it!

It's off to market time and I'm in search of a set of four wintery placemats (save the pastels, florals, and bright colors for the spring and summer). I also need one more placemat, or a runner, to go in the center of my table. This one should not be a part of the set but should follow the color scheme. For example, currently I have a black leather placemat in the center and a set of four black and navy striped placemats in front of each chair. I usually like to have a centerpiece of candles on the middle placemat so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for a fun candle centerpiece too. Save all of your placemats and more in the Yum Market with the tag Everyday Table Setting.

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