good evening y'all! below is the latest gossip from **national enquirer** which is featuring both spears sisters britney & jamie lynn! they're claiming 16 year old pregnant jamie lynn ran away from home - gosh i bet she does want to run away with all the drama going on with her family - i would totally want to run away too (but i don't know if i would be up for a secret wedding - marriage is way overrated!) as for britney - they've got her hooked on crystal meth (read more details on her meth use) my thinking is she doesn't have a drug or alcohol problem - it's something else - like being bi-polar (which seems quite likely) or even having some kind of multiple personality disorder (her british accent is way out of control - she's using it a lot!) for sure something snapped up in that little head of hers (keep in mind she never was the sharpest tool in the shed...)
i seriously hope she isn't doing drugs - that certainly won't help the situation at all! i don't think anybody really knows what's going on with her - including britney herself! on a positive note - i'm still really enjoying her album blackout on a daily basis - it's such a tight album - it still surprises me she managed to get the album out there - her producers did a kick-ass job!
moving on we've got mariah carey and her $150,000 body makeover - those recent pictures of ms. carey running around topless in a bikini - look really good - she must have done something - especially with her upcoming 11th studio album that chick releasing on april 1st - girlfriend needs to look tight! i was just watching her recently released DVD of her 'adventures of mimi' tour and i thought something was wrong with my television - she looked so wide! good for mariah - if i had the money i'd make sure things were looking perfect & pretty too! she has never been the prettiest girl but she works what she has - plus her voice is simply incredible - if she tours again - i am so there! popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!
PS get well wishes are going out to farrah fawcett (along with birthday wishes - she turns 61 on february 2nd!) who is over in germany recovering after having two cancerous tumors removed from her liver (with her pal alana stewart by her side - i wonder where ryan o'neal is?) national enquirer broke the story earlier this week about her surgery - i hope & pray she has many more years here on earth - she's so wacky & out there - a total hot mess!
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