Made of Bricks by Kate Nash

popbytes Jan 11, 2008

good evening and happy friday night! so my very dear pal victoria was harping on me for months (literally) to give UK singer/songwriter kate nash a listen (join her on myspace) of course since i admit to being the biggest the procrastinator around - i never quite got around to it but this past tuesday while i was doing my weekly music shopping at virgin - i saw ms. nash's album made of bricks was released here in the states (she has already made a huge splash over in the UK - the album was released over there this past august) i picked it up and popped it in - and now i'm totally obsessed! i should have listened to ms. victoria (she was also the very first person to turn me onto lily allen) speaking of ms. nash is actually semi-similar with her storytelling lyrics & quirky brit vibe - but it's different (and dare i say better!) plus her voice mildly reminds me of björk - i for sure have found my first favorite album of 2008! the song that sold me on her was foundations (the video is embedded below) i highly recommend giving her a listen - please don't put it off like i did - kate nash is the fucking bomb! (i'm also loving the track mariella) popbytes over & out for tonight...xxoo!

PS congratulations to three new hollywood moms...**nicole richie**, christina aguilera and courtney thorne-smith...they do say things always happen in threes! (actually there was a fourth hollywood baby born today to david alan grier and his wife christine y. kim - the stork sure was a busy beaver today!)

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