Long Weekend Getaway Luxury Lounging at Home


Long Weekend Getaway Luxury Lounging at Home
Long Weekend Getaway Luxury Lounging at Home

Filed under: Home style, Accessories, Casual wear, Shoes

It's a long weekend, ladies and gents, and the options are endless. However, if you're the least bit like me, the idea of a perfect weekend "escape" is actually staying exactly where you are. The days are crazy busy and the last thing I want to do is get all chaotic trying to plan a quick trip, packing, travelling, just to spend one day somewhere before having to return home. I'd rather just stay in the warm, comfort of my own home. Real relaxation for me is wearing the same luxurious loungewear all weekend, maybe doing a little something decadent for my skin and hair, and curling up in a cashmere throw with a good book, a good man, or both.

Assuming that the first thing you're going to do when you wake up -- and that's when you wake up naturally, without the buzzing of an alarm clock -- is eat a decadent breakfast of French toast stuffed with cream cheese and fresh fruit (cooked by someone else), let's say the second thing you do i jump into the shower to buff your skin with diamonds. The diamond-infused">https://www.body-systems.net%2Fspa.php%3Fpage%3D1%26category%3DSamplers%2520%2526%2520Sets">diamond-infused beauty body set is actually made of tiny pulverized diamonds -- pure luxury.

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