After the latest string of celebrity DUIs (most recently Shemar Moore of The Young & The Restless), there's been a lot of talk about whether Paris Hilton's penalty was too harsh, and what Lindsay Lohan's punishment will be. Last week, Marc Germain, a.k.a. Mr. K on KLTK in Los Angeles, brought Miles L. Berman, "top gun DUI defense attorney", into the studio to discuss the possible outcomes of Lindsay's case. Mr. Berman started the interview by saying that he "can't go into too much discussion of the case" and couldn't confirm or deny whether he was a part of Lindsay's particular case ... which usually means he is. You can tell that Mr. Berman is a defense attorney, saying "being charged with DUI is a devastating experience to begin with and the penalties are overly harsh to begin with...." Maybe people should stop drinking and driving! I'm not so sure the penalties are "overly harsh" when you're putting people's lives in danger, but, I digress. Mr. Berman's opinion on Paris' sentence: she never should have plead guilty to the underlying DUI charge, and in her particular case, "really got hammered;" if Paris' first case had gone to trial, he thinks she would have won and would not have been on probation in the first place. But on to Lindsay Lohan: "because she's a minor, she'll be charged as an adult, but she'll be looking at a one year license suspension because she's under 21. As far as the cocaine goes, or the alleged cocaine, alleged apparent cocaine ... I'm not so sure she was the only person in the car. According to the newspaper, she wasn't even in the car when the police arrived on the scene." So, to sum all of that up, Lindsay's misdemeanor DUI will result in a license suspension, and she will not be found guilty of cocaine possession if Mr. Berman has anything to say about it. If he is in fact her attorney, then my money's on Lindsay - this guy refers to himself as "Top Gun". What more can you ask for when looking for a lawyer?
Source: KLTK
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