Joel Cheating on Nicole with Hilary??


Joel Cheating on Nicole with Hilary??
Joel Cheating on Nicole with Hilary??

hey hey! oh i had an awesome day with my pal jaime along with her friends nancie & tina - i'm way tired and totally ready to hit the sack but the gossip must go on (at least for a few more minutes!) below is the latest cover of **STAR** which is featuring drama between nicole richie & joel madden - she's a little over five months pregnant and the magazine has her baby's daddy wrapped up with his ex-girlfriend hilary duff - which i don't believe for a second - i'm not sure they'll be able to weather the storm long term but they sure seem stable at the moment - i wonder if we'll ever see them get married?!? overall i'm way happy for ms. richie - i adore her sense of humor - and i know she'll make a great mom with or without mr. madden!

moving on we've got more talk of angelina jolie being pregnant again - this would make baby #5 in the already large jolie-pitt clan - i say more power to brangelina - why not have a large family if you have resources like they do? next there's more on britney spears who seems to be quickly falling down an already very slippery slope! just yesterday a judge laid it on the line for britney telling her she has substance abuse problems - and now has to take parenting classes and will be subjected to sobriety checks randomly twice every week! not good times for ms. spears - at this point i feel like it's a lost cause but i'd still like to see britney get her ass back on track - everyone loves a happy ending right?!?

i don't think there's anybody else that wants a happy ending more than jessica simpson does - right now i'm actually kinda liking her at the moment but lordy she must be a pain in the ass the deal with...i'm surprised nick lachey stuck around for as long as he did! she just needs to focus and stop worrying about finding a man - it's totally ok to be single in hollywood - she looks great these days and needs to work it (compared to her scuzzy looking days when she was with john mayer) if she's in therapy like the magazine suggests then jessica simply needs to calm herself down - chill out & go with the flow - like my dad always says! (plus shrinks are a waste of money anyways in my humble opinion) i'll check you all tomorrow - popbytes over & out for tonight...xxoo!

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