Pan Dan can go 13 hours without peeing, Pink Mohair is obsessed with commercial airliners, Susan at Art Esprit has an internal age of 11. How would I know this? Well they have been tagged and have confessed all.
Pan Dan tagged me.
So OK here goes :
If this had been an actual physical game of tag I would not have been able to take part. When I was a kid I had to think of excuses not to play. It's that knowing something is going to happen but you don't know when. When playing Hide and Seek I would make myself visible so as not to be shocked.
I am afraid of balloons - they may go bang.
When I see chubby toddlers I want to nip their legs.
I can't stand anything that isn't straight - rugs, pictures, my laptop on the desk, anything really.
When I was pregnant I suffered with hemorroids and one day I accidently put toothpaste on them instead of Locan. The tubes were the same colour. You can't buy Locan anymore, maybe I wasn't the only one.
I eat kippers with strawberry jam and so do all my kids.
Sorry folks but I am tagging you:
Paris Breakfasts
Tongue in Cheek
Gypsy Purple
Crust Station
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