Is Obama Coming between Oprah amp Stedman?


Is Obama Coming between Oprah amp Stedman?
Is Obama Coming between Oprah amp Stedman?

hey hey! i meant to post this bit of tabloid fun earlier but it has been a crazy week - i just got back from the vet - my chihuahua fidel passed his minor neuter surgery with flying colors - and now he's got that cone thing on which does look way adorable - along with two sets of stitches (not so adorable) although he still seems to be on the aggressive side (he came home and went to hump my girl chihuahua candy like there was no tomorrow...i was like 'oh my gosh - he just lost his balls and he still wants to do it!') i seriously hope he calms down a bit as he heals because it's getting to be unbearable - i'm going to probably have to go see the dog whisperer at some point - oh good times!

so below i've got the latest **national enquirer** which is featuring more drama between oprah winfrey & her man stedman graham - of course we've seen oprah a lot this past week as she toured around with possible democratic presidential nominee barack obama - and since ms. winfrey really does keep her relationship very private - rumors like the ones below were bound to come around!

i do have mixed feelings about her support of mr. obama (keep in mind i HATE politics - they're boring and pretty much all politicians are shady in some manner...) on one hand i do respect oprah and if she's so supportive of him - maybe he's the one - yet on the other hand - i think it's time this country finally had a female president - and i'm hoping hillary clinton can win the 2008 election! (in my mind the days of the clintons in the white house were good ones...) ok so that's probably the only thing i'll say about politics for quite a long time - i just don't care to write about it here on popbytes - plus to be 100% honest i'm not so up on all the issues - i'd much rather talk about britney spears and her nasty pink wig - ugh!

in other stories there's michael j. fox supposedly taking a turn for the worst - gosh i certainly hope not - it's so sad to see him battling parkinson's disease but every interview i've seen with him - he's always so positive & upbeat and god bless his wife tracy pollen for sticking with him through thick & thin - what an amazing couple! there's also a feature on jodie foster who is about to jump out of the closet - of course she's a lesbian - i think everyone has known that for years - right? i do respect how she's managed to keep her personal life private - but i'd love to hear what she has to say about it all - i'm sure we'll be seeing that happen soon! (whether it's the cover of people magazine or an interview with larry king still remains to be determined...)

is it really friday tomorrow? oh i need this weekend to relax & chill out - and tomorrow night i've got my work holiday party which should prove to be a swingin' time! popbytes over & out for tonight...xxoo!

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