Goodbye Idol Hopeful Amanda Overmeyer ...


Goodbye Idol Hopeful Amanda Overmeyer ...
Goodbye Idol Hopeful Amanda Overmeyer ...

drats - kristy lee cook lives to see yet another week on american idol! tonight amanda overmeyer was the latest idol hopeful to get the boot - i didn't really have strong feelings for her one way or another but i did hate amanda's awful wardrobe and her hair was a total bleach streaked trainwreck - she's not a bad singer - and i liked her whole southern rock trailer trashy vibe but i wasn't shocked when ryan seacrest delivered the bad news! overall last night was just plain horrible - whoever thought doing beatles songs two weeks in a row was a good idea should be shot point blank! next week i hope it'll finally be ms. cook's time to go - she's horrible and there better be a totally different theme other than the fab four! as for my favorites i still love my blue-eyed **jason castro** who is so damn adorable and then there's brooke white - something about her just makes me smile! (as for **david archuleta**...yes he can sing...yes he's cute but david is a total boring performer - he totally needs to lighten up) now we're down to the final ten (pictured below) and that's the group that'll be going on tour after the big may finale (i swear i've never been to an idol concert) although i'll admit to being a huge fan of the show - i can skip the american idol tour experience! popbytes over & out for tonight...xxoo!


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