Good Things Come in Little Brown Bottles ...


Good Things Come in Little Brown Bottles ...
Good Things Come in Little Brown Bottles ... The little brown bottle at left is nothing less than a skincare icon. For the past 24 years, it's taken up residence in women's medicine cabinets across the world - your mother's, your sister's, your daughter's, your friends' - and quite possibly yours, too.

This unmistakable dropper bottle is, of course, Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair, quite possible the most recognizable night serum on the market. And now, this time-honored classic is available in a new formula - **Advanced Night Repair Concentrate** - with 5 times the concentration of the original. It's a 21-night treatment cycle to help get your skin back on track when it's been exposed to stress - extreme heat or cold, sunburn, windburn, treatments, and just the hustle and bustle of daily life.

I opened my bottle wishin' and hopin' for a miracle. With the dehydration of frequent air travel, balancing blogging with my job, and 3 car accidents in the past month (2 of them in a cab!), my skin has definitely been feeling the pain. I've been dealing with dry patches, odd little bumps, redness and irritation - so I was ready to put all my faith in this little brown bottle.

After 7 days, I'm already amazed at the results. The dry spots are gone, the redness has been banished, and my skin feels calmer and more supple. The light texture of the serum is a welcome addition to my nighttime routine; it never feels heavy, and when I wake up my skin feels more refreshed than the rest of me! In fact, I wish they'd make a version for body, and hair, and one you can drink - because I wish that my whole body could always feel this good upon awakening.

Advanced Night Repair works its magic thanks to a blend of linoleic acid, cholesterol, wheat bran, olive extracts, hyaluronic acid and the anti-irritant Amento-flavone. It's perfect to use every 3-4 months to give your skin a little pick-me-up, as well as pre and post dermatological procedures, and after exposure to the elements (ahem, ski season is coming).

Check out ANR Concentrate's brilliant website,**, for more details on the product's history, ingredients, science, testimonials, and purchase information.

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