Get the 4-1-1 for FREE


Get the 4-1-1 for FREE
Get the 4-1-1 for FREE

We're so used to looking for information online, but what happens when you're not at your computer? That's where services like directory assistance come in. We're all familiar with the concept of dialing 4-1-1 for directory assistance, but we don't realize that anytime we do our carrier is charging us $2 per call, plus other chargers like roaming, long distance, and airtime.

Instead of dialing 4-1-1 on your mobile or landline, program the following number on your mobile:1-800-Free-411 (1-800-373-3411). Anytime you dial that number, you're saving yourself those $2 per call, and still getting the information you need straight from an operator. When you initiate the call, an automated system will try to assist you by gettting the name of the city and state you're in, and then the name of the business. You'll hear a short message from a sponsor, then immediately you're given the phone number you need. The reason they're able to offer free assitances because those calls are being paid for by their sponsors. There are similiar services out there, such as 1-800-411-SAVE, but I found that Free 4-1-1 has live operators which is nice when the automated system fails. Try it out, and let me know how it works for you.

Just take a look at how much you pay per 4-1-1 calls from a regular phone.

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