


Hey All!

For the ADD in me that I've developed working in retail(lol) one of my favorite blogs to read is Fashiontribes. This blog is set up to have you reading for hours. I discovered it last year because it was on everyone's list of favorite blogs so I had to check it out. Immediately, I found out information about new designers, products, events around the country, technology, food, home decor, and just about everything that is of interest to me. This is the blog to check out.

Must read categories are Ask The Cheif- Fashion Do's & Don'ts, Beauty, Books and Literature, Fashion 411, Fashiontribes Daily Podcast, food, plus so much more. A lot of the events featured are in New York or California, both states that I live far away from right now, but this blog sure makes me want to live in either of the two. Fashiontribes is the blog to read for all of your lifestyle, foodie, travel, skincare, and fashion trend interests.
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Product of the Week:

The Product of the Week is L' Oreal Studio Line Hot Straight Straightening Cream. That's a mouth full! I use the one in the pink bottle, but L' Oreal changed their formula and bottle. It's now Studio Heat Seeker Straightening Cream. I love the original formula, but I also can't wait to try the new one. I bought the 'pink bottle' when it was on sale. I guess they're making room for the 'Heat Seeker'.

I made the big hair mistake of not using heat protecting products on my hair for years and I'm paying for it now. That's what helped me to try L' Oreal's Studio Line. And I remember Beyonce being in the commercial, not that I think she uses the product, but I thought I'd try it out. The 'pink bottle' has made my hair smooth and reduced breakage. It feels more moisturized too! If the new Heat Seeker works as well or better than 'Hot Straight', I recommend this product.

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