9 Energy Boosting Snacks ...

Jordin Jul 24, 2011

9 Energy Boosting Snacks ...
9 Energy Boosting Snacks ...

Ever wondered what kind of scenarios lend themselves best to daily energy boosting snacks? Well, the day starts and you drag yourself out of bed. Once you get going you have good energy, but halfway through the day that energy just starts to leak away until you are stuck with no motivation. You know the drill! Fortunately, if you nosh on some of the snacks you'll read about here, you won't have to worry about that anymore! Forget coffee or sugary snacks to give you a temporary boost-these energy boosting snacks will give you a buzz that lasts till bedtime! So whether you work out and need the extra energy to keep going, like to eat healthy, good-for-you snacks or just need to make it through the day without slumming around, here is the news you need to know on what to stuff your face with! So keep on reading!

1. Yogurt and Granola

I've always loved yogurt as a healthy snack. It's light and healthy, yet it really boosts my energy and keeps me going! Granola adds a little crunch to the mix, and really punches up the protein factor. If you don't like granola, try having fresh or frozen berries mixed into your yogurt.

3. Apples and Peanut Butter

I love to snack on sliced apples dipped in peanut butter. Peanut butter is packed with protein and vitamin E, which gives you a huge energy boost! If you're not an apples kind of gal, try swapping the apples out for a banana. And remember that golden apples are sweeter than granny smith apples. Always wash an apple before consuming it!

4. Nuts

Because of their mix of good fats and protein, nuts are a slow-burning food and that makes them a great energy boosting snack. If you would like the added benefit of fiber, mix a handful of dried fruit into your nuts. Fruit will give you a touch of sweetness! Just don't add too much-too many carbs can cause low blood sugar, which will make you sleepy rather than energized!

5. Protein Bar

Don't pass by pre-packaged cereal bars as "just a breakfast food." They are the perfect energy boosting snack mid-day, and they are so simple to pack on the go! Throw em' in your gym bag, your purse, your car-wherever you need! Choose bars with at least 5 grams of fiber and protein, but less than 15 grams of sugar. However, steer clear of meal-replacement bars, which are overloaded with calories!

6. Crackers and Hummus

Carbohydrates like whole grains and beans are some of the very best energy boosting snacks! Choose whole grain crackers and eat them with hummus. Hummus is a dip made from garbanzo beans and it contributes fiber and olive oil, both of which help satiate hunger. You will feel almost instantly energized!

7. String Cheese

String Cheese is a fabulous snack for boosting your energy and giving you a quick pick-me-up. One stick only has around 50 calories, so you can have two sticks for a 100 calorie snack that won't put you way out of calorie limits. It's important to add dairy products to your diet in small increments, so if you're not a big milk drinker, snacking on string cheese is a great way to supplement! You can buy string cheese in large packages so it will last you a while.

8. Beef Jerky

There's a reason that beef jerky is always the number one snack that hikers, campers, or outdoorsmen pack along, and it's not because it seems so "manly." No, it's because beef jerky is high in protein and iron, and your body can spend a long time digesting it so you feel full for a while and have more energy. No wonder cowboys love this stuff! You can check out a variety of flavors and textures to find the one you like best.

9. Celery and Cream Cheese

Ah, celery. The infamous I'm-going-to-lose-10-pounds-so-I'm-only-eating-celery-for-a-month vegetable. Well, celery is mostly composed of water, but it's a great energy boosting snack. Add some cream cheese for a little sweetness and flavor and you have the ideal snack! If you want, you can add some spices and bacon bits into the cream cheese for a little bit of flavoring!

These energy boosting snacks will help you fight fatigue and keep you going between meals. They are a very healthy option for anyone, and swapping these snacks out for a drink full of caffeine or a candy bar loaded with sugar will have better benefits and you will feel much better! I hope you give these energizing snacks a try! Do you know any other snacks that boost your energy? Please comment below to share them with us!

Top Photo Credit: Daphne`

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