DuWop Toe Polish


DuWop Toe Polish
DuWop Toe Polish

DuWop Toe Polish is the most unique concept I have seen since Pawlish (but thats another article) - it is designed for toes, and has special features like a quick drying formula, and benefits like extreme shine, and anti fungal ingredients.

My opinion? It is GREAT on toes. I have the color Flip Flops (the current - and first, I might add- collection are all named after shoes), and it dries amazingly fast - which is great for polishing toes before bed - which I always do. The color also stays nice and shiny for a long time. The down side is that it really needs to stay on the toes. Although you may think your feet take a lot of abuse, your toenails stay much more protected than your fingernails do, and therefore do not need “tough” nail polish so much. This will chip on your fingernails quicker than you would like - but, thats why they call it Toe Polish, right?

DuWop’s Toe Polish is $12 a bottle, and can be purchased from various stores, and from QVC.

Look here for lessons on how to do your own pedicures at home, and how to apply Polish That Lasts!

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Nail Polish Colors, Natural Nails, pedicures

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