Did Paris Throw a Tantrum in a T.O. Video Store?


Did Paris Throw a Tantrum in a T.O. Video Store?
Did Paris Throw a Tantrum in a T.O. Video Store?

Employees at a Toronto adult video store claim Hollywood starlet Paris Hilton stormed into their establishment and demanded posters promoting her infamous sex tape be removed.

Hilton apparently entered the downtown store on Wednesday afternoon and threw a fit while disguised in a skeleton costume and mask, a store manager told CTV News on Friday.

The hotel heiress, who is in the city filming a movie, allegedly ordered employees to take down their “One Night in Paris” displays in the front window.

CTV News was allowed to view the incident captured on surveillance video.

“You guys can’t use my image in a porn store,” a woman said to be Hilton was heard saying. “I’m going to call my lawyer and sue the (expletive) out of this place.”

A woman is seen in the video tearing down several posters in the store.

“I really want them down because they’re mean and this is not right. I’m really serious, this is disgusting,” she says.

“And I want the other ones too or I’m calling the (expletive) cops.”

Employees said they were shocked to see Hilton in their store. One manager, who identified himself to CTV News as “Robert,” said he was surprised by her aggressive behaviour.

Store owners said about 30 minutes after the woman left the store, a man identifying himself as Hilton’s manager came in and told them to keep the incident quiet. They said the man claimed if any security video of the incident was leaked, the store owners could be sued for defamation of character.

Several calls by CTV Toronto to Hilton’s manager regarding the incident were not returned.

The owners of the store said they were negotiating with two U.S. tabloid entertainment shows for exclusive rights to the footage. Offers as high as $50,000 were reportedly made for the tape.

(Via Did Paris throw a tantrum ...)

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