Denise Richard's New Man....or Manager



Denise Richards was spotted strolling around Los Angeles this past weekend with this guy, who's been identified as Jason Weinberg, a manager formally with Next Gen'ers Untitled Entertainment. Get ready y'all: his client list includes the one and only Lindsay Lohan! He did such a great job with her! His client list also includes Jessica Lange and Demi Moore - and where are their careers? No one else must want Denise Richards, and this guy needs some new meat - Lindsay's already been ground up by the vultures feeding off her career and checkbook.

The publicist-turned-manager points out that it is his job to "add value to every aspect of a client's career. The priority is to concentrate on helping them get the best films, television and theater and to create commercial opportunities that would create both a different image or various additional images," says Weinberg, a member of The Hollywood Reporter's Next Generation Class of 2002. That is quite a bold claim.

The brainiac also said in an interview with CNN, that his best technique for landing a client is "Concentrate on the people you represent and not those you potentially could." Uh, ok, but I think the question was on getting a client, not the one's you already have. He then goes on to say his worst way of landing a client: "Lying." Well, that starts to explain it!

This will be fun to watch!

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