Check out the Video of the Casey Johnson Interview Courtesy of

steph Mar 23, 2007

Check out the Video of the Casey Johnson Interview Courtesy of
Check out the Video of the Casey Johnson Interview Courtesy of

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Did you read this story about Casey Johnson today on Page Six?

BAND-AID heiress Casey Johnson, who claims to be in the process of adopting a baby girl from Kazakhstan, is still sad she wasn’t able to adopt an urchin from Cambodia, as Angelina Jolie did.

“I went to Cambodia almost two years ago [and] fell in love with this little girl, a 21/2-year-old named Lavissa,” Johnson, 27, tells lifestyles Web site

But then she got the bad news that an adoption wasn’t possible because of tight new adoption laws: “I was devastated because I had bonded for three weeks with this child. I was buying her clothes in Cambodia. I was videoing her. I was doing everything.”

In 2001, Jolie adopted her first child, Maddox, from Cambodia with then-husband Billy Bob Thornton, but the Third World nation later cut off adoptions by foreigners amid accusations by child-welfare advocates of corrupt, babies-for-cash scams.

Casey was further foiled by her aunt, Libet, 57, who’d taken her to visit the Sovann Komar orphanage in Cambodia that Libet had built at a cost of $15 million.

Libet adopted a Cambodian boy she named William in 2004 but was less than enthusiastic about Casey’s notion to adopt. She and Casey became further estranged when they had a falling out over a man, music manager John Dee, 38.

Johnson says she finally cheered up when her godmother, Diandra Douglas, the ex-wife of Michael Douglas, adopted a baby girl from Kazakhstan. “She’s the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. She’s blond-haired, blue-eyed, looks just like Diandra, and I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh! This is what I’m going to do.’ ” Johnson says that when her own adoption goes through, she plans to name her baby Ava Monroe after her idol Marilyn Monroe. But the 5-foot-2 heiress denies she’s going to spoil her daughter, saying she won’t let her watch TV.

She denied she lives differently from the rest of us, although her next house will need “at least six bedrooms because I need a room for my closet and shoes and handbags, and [my fianc

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