Britney Spears Reunites with Her Mom Lynne


Come to mama: Days after losing custody of her two kids, Britney Spears found some solace by reuniting with estranged mom Lynne Spears.

“Brit really needed her mom,” a source tells PEOPLE. “So Lynne flew out and they met.”

Spears will be needing all the support she can get. Documents released Thursday regarding her heated custody battle with ex-husband Kevin Federline revealed stricter measures, particularly placed on her.

With regard to her supervised visitation rights with her two sons, Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, the document says: “the monitor shall terminate visitation immediately if any conduct or action by [Spears] endangers the minor children.”

Before their next hearing on Oct. 26, she must complete three joint counseling sessions with Federline, three individual sessions, and twice-weekly random testing for drugs and alcohol.

The Mother-Daughter Meeting

Lynne and Jamie Lynn arriving at LAX Photo by: Westley Hargrave / Splash News online

Sources say Lynne and Britney’s younger sister Jamie Lynn flew from Kentwood, La., to Los Angeles Friday evening. On arrival at LAX, the two were mobbed by photographers.

Jamie Lynn, wearing eyeglasses, kept her head low, later covered by the hood of her sweatshirt. Despite the attention, the women made a quiet exit from the terminal, declining to comment or to acknowledge the group.

Around 3 a.m., Lynne paid a visit to her daughter’s Beverly Hills home before driving the two of them to Spears’s new Malibu pad.

The mother-daughter pair had a falling out back in June, when Spears handed her mother a reportedly upsetting letter. According to TMZ, the letter asked that Lynne stay away from Spears’s sons if she is taking any medications that might cause her to be impaired.

Spears told reporters at the time, “I’m praying for her right now. [I hope] she gets all the help she needs.”

Says a source, for now, “Everything’s great.”

(Via Britney Spears Reunites with Her ...)

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