Bobby Brown Thinks Osama is after Him


Bobby Brown still thinks Osama Bin Laden is after him.

The now-single singer beefed up his security two weeks ago in Australia, where he’s been on tour.

Brown said in Melbourne: “I figure if Bin Laden wants me, and everybody is looking for him, it probably won’t happen. But if he wants to try and find me for something so stupid, he can do what he wants. I have to leave it in the hands of my higher power.

“Come on, if anybody [else was] threatened by Al Qaeda, they’d take it seriously.”

Ticketbuyers didn’t and showed up, but they didn’t take Brown seriously, either.

The singer took off his shirt at one point “unveiling his sweaty, abdominally challenged torso [and mysteriously wet crotch]” and the audience screamed with laughter, but were dead silent when he tried to get them to do a “call and response,” wrote one reviewer in the Herald Sun.

Brown’s been worried about Bin Laden ever since writer Kola Boof and an alleged Bin Laden mistress said the terrorist wanted Brown killed so that he could make Whitney Houston one of his wives. But Brown and Houston divorced last year.

Brown’s agent did not answer a detailed message.

Meanwhile, “Vixen Diaries” author Karrine Steffans, who counted Brown among her many celebrity lovers, tells us that Brown also thought President Bush wanted him dead.

“He said, ‘We should flee the country.’ We were staying at the Ritz-Carlton in Marina del Rey for a couple of weeks,” Stephans recalled. “He and Whitney had separated. I helped him as much as I could.”


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