Last week I braved the horrid grey slush in NYC to check out the product expo for the Cosmetic Executive Women Beauty Awards. I had been itching for this for weeks, and would have gone even in the middle of a blizzard.
I wasn't the only one. The line to get into the Metropolitan Pavilion/Altman Building snaked around the block, despite the fierce wind and extreme temperatures. Hey! Anything for beauty, right?
**Last time around**, I think I spent 20 minutes just staring in awe at the aisles and aisles of beauty innovations (fortunately this year I had more composure). I compared it to Veruca Salt being let loose in the Chocolate Factory. And this year it was even better...620 products, people! Can you imagine that?
(If you are in the cosmetic industry and are not yet a member of CEW, I would highly encourage you to sign up. **Click here**.)
The CEW Beauty Awards recognize the most innovative beauty products of the year. Finalists are selected, by vote, by CEW members, industry insiders and beauty experts, then the winners are chosen by the CEW Board. It's like the Oscars of the beauty industry! Winners will be announced in May at the Beauty Awards Luncheon, another most excellent event.
This year, as usual, there are tons of fab products in the running. By the end of the evening I was covered in lip glosses, body creams, fragrance, hair products, you name it. Some of my favorites:• L'Occitane Amande Supple Skin Oil
• Lovely Sarah Jessica Parker Liquid Satin • Lisa Hoffman Night & Day Vitamin A&C Serum
• Urban Decay Deluxe Eyeshadow
• DuWop Bronzerush
• KenzoAmour
• SexySmile Lip Gloss, Tooth Whitener, Breath Freshener
I was so happy to see lots of Beauty Addict-reviewed products at the event, and I discovered plenty of new ones that I can't wait to tell you about!
Sometime over the weekend I will be posting a full list of the nominees, with links back to where we've talked about them before. And, I'll try to review as many nominated products as possible between now and the awards luncheon.
For now, check out the **list of nominated products here**.
photos from the event are on their way!
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