Amy Winehouse and Her Bulimia Fight

steph Oct 30, 2007

Amy Winehouse and Her Bulimia Fight
Amy Winehouse and Her Bulimia Fight

Amy Winehouse’s father has revealed that his daughter still suffers from bulimia.

In a candid interview on This Morning programme, he says the singer started using hard drugs after wedding her bad boy husband, Blake Fielder-Civil.

Mr Winehouse made his revelations to hosts Fern Britton and Phillip Schofield, saying: ‘She’s not drinking as heavily now as she was then actually but there are other problems.’

‘The other problem is the bulimia which is still apparent, although she’s put on about a stone in weight but it’s still affecting her health and there are problems with substance abuse as well’ he confessed.

‘She’s eating, although the eating disorder hasn’t been fully addressed. If you look at the photographs of her in August and see her now you will see a marked change for the better. But it’s a change for the better, it isn’t a cure.’

He also says her troubles with hard drugs began after she wed Fielder-Civil, 25, back in May, adding: ‘She was a complete opponent of hard drugs in fact she got up and said she couldn’t understand why people in the music industry took hard drugs and that changed about 6 months ago when she got married to Blake.’

‘And I’m not saying its Blake’s fault, what I’m saying is Amy’s responsible for her own actions, however it’s a fact that the hard drugs coincided with their marriage.’

Talking about her smash hit ‘Rehab’ he said Amy’s dalliances with drugs began in her teens, adding: ‘It’s apparent in her music that she’s smoked dope for quite a while, probably from the age of 16 or 17, perhaps even earlier.’ The taxi driver also says her emergency rush to A&E in August was a far worse of an experience than most think, saying: ‘It wasn’t an overdose it was a seizure, which in fact is worse.’ He still finds it hard to think about pictures of his daughter running from a London hotel bloodied in the middle of the night disturbing, saying: ‘Those particular shots are very difficult to cope with. But there’s a different story behind the headlines. Some of the things which have been reported in the press have been completely inaccurate and sometimes they’re lies.’

Offering his daughter a steady shoulder to cry on he said ‘the moment she decides that enough is enough, all the help that she needs will be in place. Her family are there, the doctors are there, the facilities are there, should she wish to make use of them.

Defending his daughter, who was recently arrested on her European tour for possession of cannabis, he said: ‘The newspapers don’t say what a lovely person she is, what a caring girl she is, what a wonderful grandchild and child she’s been to her parents.’

(Via Winehouse and her bulimia fight)

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