The guilt has been killing me not writing here for the last 2 months - but I have been crazy busy since starting full time with b5media a few months ago, and then I decided to move Nail Tech Secrets to a new host and transfer the domain. What a nightmare, but the nightmare is over. I am settled in to my new home, where I will stay until they don’t want me anymore.
What I really want to say, other than just plain ol’ whining is that my dear friend Elke pointed out a relatively new site, All Lacquered Up, who is doing an AMAZING recount of nails at Fashion Week. She has too many posts to link them all up, but go there now (now!) and check it all out while it is neat and tidy on her front page. I am busy buying shoes and underwear, and she is such a great nail blogger, covering those shows. I am humbled by her passion and look forward to reading All Lacquered Up for a long time to come, and I hope you will as well.
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fashion, fashion week, fashionweek, Friends of Nail Tech Secrets, Nail News, Nail Trends, nails
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