9 Tips for Elementary Students from a Teacher ...


These 9 tips for elementary students from a teacher might be ones you've heard over and over again. If they aren't new to you, then I hope you are already using most of them! If you see some tips on the list that are new, then try them out and see what happens. Be sure to pass them on to friends and help them do better in the classroom too.

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Complete Work as It is Assigned

The longer you make assignments take, the more likely you will have homework. Try to get work done as soon as it is assigned to you and you'll have more free time later. If you are worried about forgetting about some assignments, then write them down in an assignment book or on a piece of paper. You can always ask your teacher if you are missing anything before you leave for the day. Asking a friend nearby is another way to help you remember what needs to be done for class.


Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Teachers are there to help you. They don't expect kids to know all there is to know about every subject, that's why you are in school! Ask for help when you need it. If you don't understand an assignment, then find out more information about it from your teacher. You can always ask a question right before recess if you are embarrassed about asking for help. Even friends can be a huge help when it comes to answering questions. You never know, you just might be able to answer a question that someone else has.


Help Others Who Need It

This isn't only for class work. You might have a friend or classmate who sits nearby and who needs help with something other than an assignment. Maybe your friend isn't feeling well and is having trouble hanging up her backpack. Or maybe a classmate has just dropped his pencil box and now has a huge mess to clean up. Teachers greatly appreciate help from time to time as well. Be on the lookout for someone who could use a helping hand. You just might be able to put a smile on someone's face!


Do the Best You Can Possibly do on Everything

Teachers are always telling students this, but it's true. They only want you to do your best. Try hard on assignments, when answering questions, and with everything else you attempt to do during the day. When you don't care about how something looks, you tend to not put your heart into it. Work gets sloppy and it's hard to read. Sometimes friends notice when you don't try your hardest on something. You can also help others do their best by cheering them on whenever possible.


Keep a Neat Desk

Neatness counts for a lot in the classroom. If your desk is organized, then you will be able to find pencils, crayons, and even assignments. A messy desk is where assignments get lost, torn, and they have even been known to completely disappear. When a friend needs to borrow a pencil or asks to use a piece of paper, having an orderly desk will allow you to find what is needed to help out this friend.


Return Items That Aren't Yours

When you notice that a classmate has dropped something, but doesn't realize that this happened, pick it up and hand it to them. If you lost something and a friend found it, wouldn't you want your item returned to you? I know I would be thrilled that my friend cared enough to return something that I had lost. You might find an item and not know who it belongs to. Ask around or give it to the teacher.


Try to Remember to Use an Outdoor Voice outside Only

Things get exciting in the classroom at times and you might be happy about something that happened over the weekend, but you still need to remember to not yell out in the classroom. When one person begins to talk loud, someone else talks a bit louder, and this chain continues until the entire room is filled with loud voices. Help your teacher out by whispering or talking low enough for only your friend to hear when you have something to tell him or her.


Listen Very Carefully to Instructions

Teachers give instructions for assignments and so you know what to do in class at different times of the day. Listening closely to what these instructions are not only makes your teacher's job easier, but then you don't need to ask for the same instructions later on. You just might miss out on something important by not listening carefully to what is being told to you. If you think you've missed something, look around to see what other people are doing or ask a friend.


Mind Your Manners

Saying 'please' and 'thank you' can also be done in the classroom. Teachers like to hear these words as much as your parents, grandparents, and other family members do. Being polite is something that should be done all the time and not only when you want something. Show respect to friends and they will be respectful to you as well. Good manners are always a nice trait to have!

I'm sure the 9 tips for elementary students from a teacher that are posted above will come in handy some day. You might not use them all right now, but I bet you remember one or two later on and they end up helping you out. What tips can you add for elementary students?

Top Photo Credit: cobalt123

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