8 Cosmetic Company Secrets ...


8 Cosmetic Company Secrets ...
8 Cosmetic Company Secrets ...

Amy Fontinelle wrote a great article about some secrets that cosmetics companies don’t want you to know. I don’t agree with her all the way, but each point is an important one to consider and keep in mind. Below are the 8 items, plus my commentary. See Amy’s article for her commentary:

1. Cosmetics claims are poorly regulated. This is definitely true. Consider each claim made on a product as a suggestion, not as a fact and you won’t be disappointed. Beauty companies are long since known to make outrageous claims, but for me, if it helps a little (with wrinkles, acne, dry skin), thats good enough for me.

2. The only real anti-aging product is sunscreen. I don’t necessarily agree with this, but there is certainly a great point to be made that the absolute best anti aging product is sunscreen. However, if you don’t start using it early, it doesn’t do you a darn bit of good. Well, maybe a bit, but it isn’t going to make you look 30 when you start using it at 50. So just start using it if you aren’t already, ok? And keep on using other products that will improve the skin you have, because there are lots of them out there that will.

**3. Just because a product is “natural” doesn’t make it safer or better for your skin. ** This is so true - if you are really looking for natural products, get to know your ingredients and read the labels.

4. Makeup does not and cannot protect your skin from air pollution. You know, I haven’t given that much thought or research other than the fact that air pollution causes the free radicals that are implicated so heavily in aging. I am just thankful I live in the country - I have dusty, clogged up pores, but not so much air pollution to worry about. But make use of antioxidants, they will indeed help correct the damage done by free radicals.

5. Expensive cosmetics are not better than cheap ones. This is very true, but considering that half of the battle is *feeling* beautiful, sometimes a cosmetic’s value goes way beyond its ingredients. In many instances however, cheap products are made cheaply. You can get a lot more wear out of a higly pigmented eyeshadow, for instance, than a cheaply made one with little pigment. And often, the higher pigment/quality costs more. An economic fact of life.

6. There’s no reason to stick with all products from the same brand or the same line. I totally agree with this one too - they encourage you to use their products all together for bigger sales - but the important part is that you cleanse, maybe tone, and moisturize - as long as your products are getting that done, it just doesn’t matter if they come from the same product line or not.

7. Ignore department store cosmetics salespeople. Ouch, thats a little harsh. While I will be the first to admit that many some of them are completely useless (*cough* Lancome ladies), finding a good one who is passionate about her job and YOUR skin can be one of the most beneficial relationships you have.

8. Cellulite creams don’t work. Ever. Period. While this is probably very true, these body toning creams are one of the fastest growing sectors in the beauty industry. I have several in my house to try, but Ill be darned if I can get myself to do it. It’s sorta like painting a house with an eyeliner brush - I need something a bit more, um, hardy at this point.

Now, hop on over and see what Amy has to say about these items - she has lots of great points and references that you don’t want to miss.

© Christina Jones for eBeautyDaily - The Beauty Blog, 2007. |
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