11 Things to Never Tell Your Man ...

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11 Things to Never Tell Your Man ...

When you’re in that initial honeymoon stage, it can be easy to think you should tell him everything in preparation for your perfect life together. But here are 11 things you should definitely keep to yourself!

1 That You Dislike His Mother ...

Even if he is currently angry at his Mom, it’s never a good idea to get involved, as they will definitely make up. Comfort him, and listen to him, but keep your opinions to yourself. His Mom is important to him, so knowing you don’t like her could undermine your whole relationship.

Frequently asked questions

2 Never Tell Him His Friends Made a Pass at You ...

He’ll have to confront them, or things will be awkward, and if the friend swears he didn’t it could cause even more problems. Politely decline and keep quiet, unless he becomes a repeat offender.

3 Been Unfaithful in the past?

Keep it to yourself, or you’ll worry him. If he believes you’ve done it before, male friends and nights out will be even more risky, and he’ll automatically trust you less. Learn your lesson, and keep quiet.

4 Don't Tell Him That Your Best Friend is Cheating ...

He’ll start to presume that you discuss tactics, or that you’re cheating too. Act like infidelity is equal with murder, and you’ll cause a lot less suspicion.

5 Don’t Criticise His Body ...

He might not look as young as he used too, but neither do you, and if he is still making an effort then you’re doing well.

6 Believe in Him ...

When everyone else is doubting him, you have to be the one person who actually believes that he will achieve his dreams, and outperform everybody else..

7 And if You Don’t, Pretend You do ...

This will at least give him the confidence and drive to work harder, so that he doesn’t let you down.


Continuing with the guise of certainty can have surprising effects. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy—belief inspires action. By projecting a sense of belief, even when you’re filled with doubts, you light a spark of ambition and purpose in him. It's about providing a cushion of positivity that can buffer against the hard knocks of reality. So, the next time he's unsure, your feigned confidence could be the nudge he needs to overcome his hesitations and stride forward towards achieving his goals. Remember, a little white lie in support of his potential isn't deception; it's encouragement in disguise.

8 Don’t Threaten to Leave ...

He’ll start to feel that you are just waiting for an excuse, so keep this for times that you really are thinking of leaving, or it’ll stop having any effect.

9 Don’t Let That Earning More than Him Bother You ...

Or it’ll bother him ten times more. He will already be struggling to handle this, so knowing that you think it makes him less of a man too will push him over the edge. Keep any bitchy comments in your head, and if you have to talk about it, confide in a trusted friend.

10 Don’t Confess to Crushes ...

You’d be upset if he constantly pointed out other people he’d love to get into bed, so don’t do it to him. That way he won’t get jealous, and you’ll be free to enjoy your crush without feeling guilty or upsetting him.

11 Never Tell Your Man How Many People You’ve Slept with ...

Keep the number small, but make sure you remember it. Sleep with too many and you’ll no doubt go down in his opinion, too little and he’ll know you're lying. Pick a small number and flatter his ego.

So edit the truth a little, and keep him, and your relationship happy.

Have you ever told a boyfriend something you shouldn’t, or do you have any advice for others who have? Share it with me!

More relationship posts to go over:

7 Ways to Know You’re with the Right Guy …

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