7 Things to Learn about Diamonds from LooseDiamondsReviews.com ...


7 Things to Learn about Diamonds from LooseDiamondsReviews.com ...
7 Things to Learn about Diamonds from LooseDiamondsReviews.com ...

Here's a rhetorical question: Can we say no to anything made of diamonds? I doubt it. Heck, I'd even readily wear undergarments made of diamonds. Case in point: Victoria's Secret Fantasy bras. And what's better than gorgeous, sparkling diamonds? Gorgeous, sparkling** diamonds that are 50% off**! Now we all know that buying diamonds online can be quite a task, especially if you know nothing about them, which is where Loosediamondsreviews.com comes in. Not only do they have a list of retailers who offer up to 50% off on diamonds, they also have plenty of information on diamonds that you must read before you make any purchases. Here are 7 Things to Learn about Diamonds from LooseDiamondRreviews.com:

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Learn the Basics

We've all heard of terms such as carat weight, color, clarity and cut. But how much do you really know? Loosediamondsreviews.com ensures that you know your diamonds inside out. Now I know a lot of people are skeptical about buying diamonds online and I don't blame you. But here's why Loosediamondsreviews.com thinks it's worth a shot. For starters,there are unlimited choices online as opposed to a retail store. Also, if you know your stuff and know where to look, you can find some amazing deals!


Compare Prices

Time and patience are most important when it comes to buying diamonds online. Don't jump at the first opportunity that comes by. Always compare prices and you'll find some rather surprising deals.Once you find the best deal price-wise, dig deeper.

Frequently asked questions


Check out the Seller's Credentials

Part one of "digging deeper" involves checking out the seller's credentials. Loosediamondsreviews.com advises that you find out what professional jewelry associations they belong to, make sure they have refund and return policies, run an Internet search for reviews about the company and lastly, check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) online to see if there have been any complaints about that seller.


Buy Only Laboratory Certified Diamonds

Part two of "digging deeper" would involve making sure that the diamonds you are about to buy come with a genuine certificate from a recognized independent lab such as the GIA, AGS, HRD, EGL.


Avoid Diamond Scams

Sellers are of course aware that not everyone is knowledgeable about diamonds and they could very well take advantage of this fact. If terms like artificial lighting scam, carat total weigh scam, fraction scam,‘Blue-White Diamond’ scam, the ‘Bait and Switch’ sound like Greek to you, you need to visit Loosediamondsreviews.com and brush up on the various scams that you may fall prey to.

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What Diamonds to Buy and Why

Given the plethora of choices, I can imagine how taxing it must be to make a decision when it comes to buying diamonds. Fret not for Loosediamondsreviews.com gives you all sorts of information on different cut diamonds as well as instructions to help you with your thought process so that you can figure out what the best purchase for you is and why.


Caring for and Storing Your Diamonds

So you've finally taken the plunge and bought some amazing diamond jewelry online. How do you take care of it and more importantly, how do you store it so that it will forever retain its dazzle? Let Loosediamondsreviews.com tell you how. From taking your jewelry to a jeweler once a year to wrapping your jewels in tissue or soft lint free cloth, you will find some amazing tips and tricks to ensure that your diamonds indeed are forever.

The best part about Loosediamondsreviews.com is their list of diamond retailers who offer the best discounts that are sure to make you and you pocket smile. When it comes to diamond jewelry, the more you know, the harder it will be for someone to scam you and with

Loosediamondsreviews.com, you know you're going to be nothing short of a diamond connoisseur.

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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