7 Tips to Keep You from Getting Lost ...


7 Tips to Keep You from Getting Lost ...
7 Tips to Keep You from Getting Lost ...

If you are trekking or hiking, getting lost can be a very real risk. If you do get lost, it can be very difficult to get to the right trail and find your way back. You could be lost in the wilderness for days on end. Here are 7 tips to keep you from getting lost in the wilderness.

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1. Check the Weather Condition before You Set out

This is the most important of all tips to keep you from getting lost. If you find that the weather is overcast and the visibility is low or likely to get lower, it may not be a good idea to go out hiking or trekking. It is better to be cautious in this case rather than run the risk of getting lost.

2. Keep to the Trail

If you are visiting an area that is marked with trails, it is a god idea to keep to the trail. Even if you are leaving the trail, make sure that you do not go too far away. And when you do go off the trail to find a camp site, try and keep to a straight line so that it is easier for you to find your way back.

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3. Never Hike or Trek Alone

This is one of those crucial tips to keep you from getting lost that many people tend to overlook. It is always a great idea to have a partner with you, in the event that you do get lost. Having a partner can make the difference in getting lost and finding the right trail.

4. Learn How to Use a Map

Many trekking site offices will provide you with maps of the area. However, that is entirely useless if you do not know how to read or use maps. If you are going to go out trekking or hiking, it is important that you learn how to read and use maps.

5. Learn How to Use GPS

In these days of advanced technology, you have the facility of gadgets like GPS. They can be immensely useful in ensuring that you do not get lost. If you are likely to trek or hike regularly, invest in a good GPS and learn to use it. Many mobile phones also have GPS, but you need t learn how to use it.

6. Learn How to Use a Compass

A compass is easy to carry and is infallible. Your GPS device may get wet and stop functioning, and you may need to rely on a compass to find your way back. Keep an eye on the compass all the way up and that will help you find your way back.

7. Mark Your Trail

If you are going to be following the same route on your way back, it may be a good idea to mark your trail on your way up, so you have signs in place on your way back.

These are crucial 7 tips to keep you from getting lost. Ensure that you follow these when you are out trekking or hiking.

Top image source: visualphotos.com

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