7 Reasons to Take up Lomography


7 Reasons to Take up Lomography
7 Reasons to Take up Lomography

There are a range of different film cameras still in production, but one of the most popular brands is Lomography. Lomography, or “Lomo”, is a form of analogue photography using speciality Lomography cameras. As a result, these cameras have spawned an entire subculture of sorts. I myself am a huge Lomo fan. Below are just a few reasons to take up Lomography.

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Renewed Popularity of Film Photography

In today’s ‘instant’ culture, film photography is great for those wanting to relive the nostalgia of past times. There’s an increasing trend for people to let go of their digital cameras and reach for the analogue variety. Film photography has several appealing factors - there’s a certain sense of spontaneity, the ‘unknown’ element and not knowing what your photos will turn out like, and the anticipation of getting your film developed. These are all great reasons to take up lomography.


Variety of Cameras

There are a range of Lomography cameras available. They range in price from the more expensive LC-A cameras to cheap disposable ones. There are cameras that take 35mm film and ones that take not-so-common 120 film. Different cameras have different effects and achieve different results. You really are spoilt for choice. With so many cameras in the range, the only problem will be choosing just which camera to start off your collection!

Frequently asked questions


The Lomo Community

For those taking up Lomography, there’s the opportunity to join the greater community of Lomographers. You can join in the fun by creating an account on the Lomography website. From here you can upload your photos, write articles, and comment on other people’s photos. It’s almost like a social network for the Lomography community. Being part of this community is one of many appealing reasons to take up Lomography.


The Subculture

As previously mentioned, the increasingly popularity of Lomography has seen with it the creation of a Lomo community. It has also spawned an entire subculture of sorts. As with most subcultures, Lomography has specific lingo as well as having a motto and ‘rules’. The ‘Ten Golden Rules of Lomography’, however, are less like rules and more like tips that are designed to help users make the most of their Lomo experience.


‘Fun’ Approach to Photography

Aptly, the last ‘rule’ of Lomography is “don’t worry about rules”. With a motto of “don’t think, just shoot” you can see that the Lomo experience is all about experimenting and having fun with photography. There’s a certain fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach. You can also experiment with multiple exposures, half-frame shots, and coloured gel lenses.

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Quality of Photographs

Lomography is popular because of the range of different effects that it can achieve. The LC-A camera can produce images in saturated colour, while the Diana F+ is popular for its dreamy lo-fi aesthetic. Specific cameras such as the Actionsampler and Supersampler allow for consecutive frame by frame shots and are perfect for capturing subjects in motion. The Fisheye camera is famed for compacting everything into one circular ‘fishbowl’ style image. The appeal here is in the quirky and unconventional.


Conversation Starter

Lomography cameras are distinctive. You can spot one from a mile away. I can’t count the number of times I’ve brandished one in public and had someone comment or ask questions about it. I’ve also noticed that these cameras act as a ‘beacon’ and are a great way to meet other like-minded Lomographers.

Are you familiar with Lomography? Are these reasons to take up Lomography enough to convince you?

Top image source: data.whicdn.com

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photography is super cool

I'm a photographer & I can really say it's pure magic, is more than awesome is brilliant!!!!

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