It's Just a Little Crush ...


It's Just a Little Crush ...
It's Just a Little Crush ...

I love it when the biggest trending topics really have some meaning. I really don't think Jennifer Paige got it right. When you've got a serious, bone-deep crush, there's nothing "little" about it. I think today's "Question for my crush" topic proves that. When you're crushing hardcore on some way cool guy or girl, you might not feel like fainting, but the butterflies go into overdrive. A lot of things happened today in terms of viral pop-culture news -- Demi Moore's filing for divorce, Breaking Dawn premieres tonight, and the investigation of Natalie Wood's death has been reopened -- but I want to know what you would ask or say to your crush if you could say anything. Demi's news isn't really big, tomorrow's soon enough for the Cullens, and the latter -- well, I'm actually really interested in that. However, there's time enough for that too. Right now it's about your Question for Your Crush.

People are being extremely open with this topic:

iSpeakToGirls: “Question For My Crush: Do you like me too?”
LifeTerms: “Question For My Crush do you ever notice me acting extra happy around you? Maybe smiling a lot?”

EdSheerhanslover: “Question For My Crush: Why do you treat me like I don't exist?”

nananatasha: “Question for my crush: Do you realise how tongue tied I get when I talk to you?”

officialdianaap: “Question For My Crush: Can you always be right next to me?”

EmelieNordify: “Question For My Crush : do I have a chance or am I just wasting my time?”

So what would you say to your crush if you could say anything? What would be the most important question? How would you open up to the person you like the most?

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

How do u know its just a crush and not love. I always try to convince myself that its just a crush and i will forget his face as soon as i meet somebody else. But i dont stop thinkin about him even when talkin to somebody else. We dont talk at all, but the way he looks at me and smiles at me drives me crazy. He was gone for 2 weeks and i couldnt wait to see him i missed him soo much. And the day he came back he walked right by me like i dont exist, i felt like crying at that very moment. Minutes later i catch him peak at me. uuuugh its torturous

Question for my crush: if you knew how many times you pulled me back from the edge, would you care?

Question for my crush: Do you have any idea just how happy I am each time I see you?

HELP!!!!!!!!! my friend wrote on a piece of paper my name+my crushes=forever. Then she lost the piece of paper and guess who found it? HIS FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! After school they were tracking him down to try to tell him. By now he probably knows. I am sooo dead. What can i do besides lying that what was written was untrue?

sorry :-$ i know this isnt a question or anything but what if, you like somone but your a...nerd? and he's REALLY popular and nothing ever stays quiet in our tutor group, we're in the same :3 and you too afraid of: 1.regection!!! 2.embarrasssment 3.what other people think (i have eczema so im not what you call attractive and tend to hide my legs and arms, so i feel self concious all the time... how sad am i :(? ) i reall need help! he used to be intrested in me but im too afraid to get my heart broken like my dad did... long story. please help! im in yr8!

Hey, i recently devopled a crush on a guy on my bus.I'm in grade 9 and i dont know what grade he is in but it wouldnt really matter,too be honest. I just dont know what to do. And i dont want this to be a silent crush because i have had way too many of those and i really want a boyfriend! So i dont even know how to deal with this. He sits alone and listens to musix but its not like i could ask him to sit with him because theres no more room cuz we have loads of extra seats on the bus:$ i dont know, please help and btw im shy so i dont want to embrass myself:$

Lol, I would probably ask: "Do you really know what your'e doing to me when you just laugh, smile or even look at me?"

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