Would You Buy Hair Care from This Woman?


Would You Buy Hair Care from This Woman?
Would You Buy Hair Care from This Woman?

Yep, that’s supermodel Kate Moss. I’m sorry, I have never been a fan. Never seen what the rest of the world has seen in her. I certainly have seen her look beautiful, but most of the time, I just really don’t see it. Even when she first came on the scene - I was never into that waif thing at all. I am sure I’ll get slammed, ’cause I have never knows anyone stay on top like she has, despite all her horrific press. She must have an enormous and dedicated fan base, it just isn’t me. And probably about 10 angels watching over her. Bless her heart.

Kate is in talks with her friend and hairdresser James Brown (no, not the dead guy musician) to start a new line of hair care products. [Via thesun.co.uk] Interestingly enough, the line will feature her image, not her name. I am not sure why. Do they not want to be associated with her name? Not bloody likely. Does she not want to too closely associate with the product line? I can’t imagine, especially after seeing her name splashed all over her recent clothing line. Questions questions. I guess, since they are still in talks, it remains to be seen.

On a related note, Kate is plummetting down in this picture like I am into being that gray rooted woman I can’t stand seeing. This is just about what my hair looks like now. Still. haven’t. colored. Oy.

© Christina Jones for eBeautyDaily - The Beauty Blog, 2007. |
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