5 Worrying Signs You Haven't Noticed Your Partner Is Displaying ...


5 Worrying Signs You Haven't Noticed Your Partner Is Displaying ...
5 Worrying Signs You Haven't Noticed Your Partner Is Displaying ...

Your partner is supposed to be your best friend. They’re the person who’s supposed to have your back no matter what. The choice of your partner is one of the biggest you’ll ever make. Why? Because who you’re with can drastically impact every other aspect of your life.

Still, sadly, not all relationships work out. Some people, unfortunately, have a hard time recognizing that their partner might not be the right person for them. Here are five worrying signs to help you spot this early on.

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He’s spying on your devices

Spying is always a bad thing. It indicates a lack of trust and a lack of respect for your privacy. Not only is it immoral, it’s also illegal. The problem is that, in the modern era, they no longer have to follow you around or even install recording devices in your apartment. All they have to do is install the right spy app on your phone and figure out a password for your platforms and social media accounts, and that’s it.

These apps can track online (and offline) activities, which makes them incredibly dangerous and invasive when in the wrong hands. Of course, there are some times when it’s actually a good idea to monitor someone’s device - for example if you’re worried about an elderly relative or a child.

But, a big problem with these spy apps is the method through which you’ll discover them if your partner is using them.

First of all, you need the grounds to suspect that they’re actually spying on you. This is usually some sort of suspicious behavior around your devices or scenarios in which they possess knowledge that they can’t explain the origin of.

Second, you need to search your phone. Now, naturally, these spy apps won’t have an app icon. So, you have to go to processes. The problem here is that you probably don’t know any spy apps. So, look up the best free spy apps and check if something from the list matches the description. Don’t worry; they’re not going to use some obscure software out of fear that you’ll look it up. If they’re using software, it’s on the list.

If you do spot this type of software on your device, there’s no excuse and no justification that should ever be good enough.


He’s too active with your friends

A partner who is too controlling can do one of two things.

While both of these are quite worrying, it’s the latter that’s far more sinister. Why? Well, because not many guides address it and you probably won’t know that it’s a worrying sign. You see, a manipulator may want to isolate you so that you don’t have anyone to talk to (and get objective feedback from). However, them being too close to your friends doesn’t really seem like a red flag, does it?

Still, if they infiltrate your friend group, they’ll be able to dig out information from your previous life, not just so that they can learn more about you, but in order to learn how to control you better. They can discover embarrassing things from your past (or just things you don’t want brought up) and use it as leverage.

They could also gaslight you by proxy. Just think about the prospect of a manipulator getting the ear of your best friend. They can whisper ideas into your ears in a voice that you trust. Every time you argue, they’ll be the first one to send them a message or give them a call, so by the time you reach out to your friend, they’ll already have their narrative in mind.

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His social media activity is suspicious

There are so many suspicious signs when it comes to the way they’re using social networks. Here are just some things you should look out for.

Just remember that, in 2024, social media is more than just a platform. It’s an important part of our social life. The way people act around their profiles can be indicative of whether they have something to hide.


He’s an ultraromantic

Wait a second, this sounds like an amazing thing; however, the very point of romance is that it’s something special and unique. You should always be careful with someone who approaches this too casually and starts love-bombing you early on.

If they’re ultraromantic, even if it looks spontaneous, this might all be a routine. If anything, it could be one of the early signs that your man is a womanizer.

The problem with this mentality is that they’re showing that they might be someone who tries to solve all with huge, meaningless gestures. All the good things in a relationship take time. It takes a while for them to start trusting you and to show you that they’re trustworthy. Showing you that they respect you can take years upon years.

A person who resorts to love bombing usually tries to cut corners and take shortcuts. Even worse, they’re trying to create an illusion that they’re doing a lot more for you than you are for them. In a way, they’re trying to make you feel inadequate and lucky that they’re with you.

Once again, there’s nothing wrong with a romantic partner. After all, many women dream about a thoughtful and caring partner. Just keep in mind that this approach can be abused.


He’s openly showing contempt for you

This is probably the clearest indicator that they’ve checked out of the relationship already and that they’re no longer emotionally invested.

You know that you can’t be in a relationship with someone you find annoying. So, if they start rolling their eyes every time you make a statement, a joke, or a suggestion, chances are that your relationship is coming to an end.

The problem with contempt is that it usually exists in non-verbal communication, derisive humor, interruptions while you’re trying to speak, or outright finishing of your sentences. This last part may sound cute, but there’s a difference. It’s one thing to recognize what one’s going to say and another to interrupt them and rudely finish in mockery or because you can’t wait for your partner to wrap up their thought.

Constant correcting (especially when it comes to something trivial) can also be an open sign of contempt.

The reason we say that this non-verbal nature of contempt is a problem is because of how easy it will be for them to gaslight you about it. They’ll never admit it openly, and by bringing it up, you’ll just give them one more reason to act annoyed.

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Looking out for these signs means looking out for yourself

You deserve love and respect. You deserve someone who will shower you with kindness and adoration. If your current partner is not this person, it’s best for you to know this as soon as possible so that you can continue your search. While these five signs may not be definitive proof that this is the case, they’re a strong indicator that things are going in the wrong direction.

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