Summer is just around the corner and everyone wants to fit into a new swimsuit, but first things, first. You have to work out in order to get that body in shape for that swimsuit. Everyone is using their iPod while running and weight lifting in the gym. And, I’m sure your local gym has trainers. Trainers are always great to help motivate and teach you to train your body, but they are expensive.
Pumpone had developed a way to bring the technology world in with the personal fitness. Pumpone has developed an image workout plan that can be viewed on you iPod & phone. Their trainers focus on 5 different fitness workouts for; Strength, Weight Loss, Endurance, Flexibility, Heart Health.
Yes their trainers are certified and you can watch them go through the steps of training on your iPod and listen to them pump you up while you are working out to your own music.
They have a about 15 different bundles for a total to about 80 work outs that are customized for each of the fitness works you want.
The workouts are very easy to follow, after you download the workout onto your iPod or cell phone. All you have to do is, just scroll through the images to watch the how-to instructions of each exercise.
The prices of the workout depend on your intensity and if you want the complete bundle. The prices range from $20-$159.
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