7 Ways to Feel Cool on a Hot Day ...


7 Ways to Feel Cool on a Hot Day ...
7 Ways to Feel Cool on a Hot Day ...

Are you feeling the heat right now? I certainly am here in Spain! Some of you are in much hotter countries, so you have probably developed ways of coping with the temperatures. It’s harder though if you’re not used to the heat, and you go on vacation or there’s some unusually hot weather (UK readers, I’m speaking to you!). So here are some ways to feel cool on a hot day.

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Open Windows

If there’s any breeze, then take advantage of it by opening all the windows and letting the air circulate throughout the house. This is a lot cheaper and fresher than putting on the air conditioning! It really helps to open as many windows as possible, not just in the room you’re in, so that the air can blow through the house.


Wear Natural Fabrics

Artificial fabrics are definitely not going to help you feel cool on a hot day. Quite the opposite, in fact! Just think of the word polyester and you’ll start to sweat. Cotton and linen are ideal for hot days, and will boost the comfort factor.


Keep Hydrated

It’s such a basic point, yet in our busy lives the need to keep hydrated is often overlooked. On a hot day, it is even more essential, in order to replace what we lose sweating. Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids, and space them out – don’t wait until you’re thirsty.


Wear a Hat

A hat really does help me keep cool on a hot day. Although I try to stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible, there are times when there is no shade. Hats keep your head and face cool, and yet a lot of people don’t wear them. Don’t make that mistake!


Draw Blinds/Curtains

Blocking the sun out really does make a difference. So if you have exterior blinds or shutters, as is common in hot countries, close them and that will help you feel cool. The sun hits my lounge late afternoon – without a blind, it’s just too hot to sit in there!


Pulse Points

This is a simple, but effective tip. Hold your wrists under cold running water and you will feel cooler – also splash your face and put a cold cloth on your neck. Alternatively, if you aren’t near a tap, carry a cologne stick to dab on your pulse points.



If you are in a hot country on vacation, adapt to local habits. Although it is becoming less common, many Spanish shops and businesses adopt a timetable that allows you to rest during the hottest part of the day. Follow this example if you can. Stay out of the sun when it’s at its strongest, and don’t over-exert yourself. Go sightseeing early or later in the day.

Here I have offered you tried and tested tips which I’ve discovered while living in Spain (which is much hotter than the UK in summer!). So I know that they work. What is your ideal climate – do you love the sun, or prefer a cool country?

Top Photo Credit: data.whicdn.com

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Opening up all the windows will let a breeze in... but it will also let all the hot air that is outside inside. If you want to keep your home cool when its hot out, keep the windows and doors closed (and the blinds/curtains drawn) during the hottest parts of the day. Open them at night to let the cooler night air in.

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