The More the Merrier...


The More the Merrier...
The More the Merrier...

I'm not sure how many people there are like me out there, but I feel I can't be too rare. I have my best Friends from HS, My best Friends from College and My best friends from the "real world". Now in each of these groups there are about 2-3 Core friends, not to mention the 5-6 peripheral friends. However, take 2-3 core friends in each group and you have a pretty large bridal party.

At first I listened to everybody when they said "don't even THINK about having more then 7 girls in your bridal party", I painfully sat there and tried to figure out who was my "better" friend, it was painful. It involved more crying and thinking than anything else. My fiance told me "screw what people thing its your wedding do it", but i was a naive "have to follow everyone else" bride-to-be, and i went ahead with just 7 girls ( keep in mind one is FI sister ).

I made two of my closest friends readers, another one is going to be a greeter...but there were still two friends I didn't mention the word "bridal party" to, i didn't update our website with the bridal party, i didn't pick out dresses, I just knew my wedding wouldn't feel right without them standing up next to me.

Finally this past weekend I had an epiphany. I was back at my Alma mater, dropping off a friends sister to start her freshman year of college,it made me very sentimental and reflective. I realized, I didn't care what people said, I wanted my best friends to be up there on that day. I got on the phone right than and there and I asked them.

I am so happy with my choice. I feel that I am so lucky to really have that many girls I consider my close Friends. Every single one of them I talk to almost daily, if not weekly. Since I already had two maids of honors the walking down the aisle part was easy (one on each side of the best man) and FI has 8 groomsman, so it all works out :) I finally feel so at ease!

Have any of you encountered a problem where you were going against the "norm" or a time when you just Had to stop caring what everyone else thought and go with your gut? If you are ever in that situation I recommend you go with your gut, because you only get married once, it should be everything you dream of.

*on a side not my mom and aunt are taking "make your own bouquet class" and they will be making my Bridesmaids bouquets, saving us hundreds of dollars!

^ Photo Courtesy of Shells By Hand --An idea of what my Bridal Party could look like ( this is actually a lil bit bigger) It sure looks like fun to me! :)

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