Usually I don't really care that much about celebrating the random food holidays that are out there (unless of course it involves making a specialty cocktail then I'm ready and willing!), but I am super excited about today's nonsense food holiday. Drums please, it's National Grilled Cheese Day (actually this month is National Grilled Cheese Month too)!
YumSugar and I love cheese so much that we marked this one on the calendar months ago. I'm a big fan of enjoying the simple pleasures of life and nothing is as wonderfully good as slices of cheese melted between two pieces of toasted, buttery bread. On average I consume about one grilled cheese a week and practically lived on these little sandwiches in college. I love them made with individually packed American cheese slices and wheat bread as much as I love them made with CowGirl Creamery's goat cheese and fresh baked focaccia. Gourmet or down-home style, a grilled cheese is easy to make if you are patient. Never make one over high heat because the bread will toast before the cheese has melted. For more tips on making the perfect grilled cheese and a classic recipe that can be tweaked to your liking,
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