Sustainable Living Courses with the Low-impact Living Initiative

By Louise

Sustainable Living Courses with the Low-impact Living Initiative

I try to live sustainably. I shop locally, don't drive, go for environmentally-friendly and fairtrade choices when I can - just like most of the people reading this probably do.

But I know that I don't actually have any living skills. If there was a natural (or man-made) disaster, I'd be lucky if I could cobble myself together a basic shelter, let alone sort out a radio or any food and fuel. Without companies or more knowledgeable people to make things for me, I'd be completely stuck.

That's one of the reasons I was interested to hear about the low-impact">”">low-impact living initiative. The group aim to help people lower the impact of their everyday lives, and run regular courses, as well as selling books and manufacturing products via their website.

Their one-day courses cover crafts such as rag-making and keeping chickens, while over the course of a weekend you can learn about skills such as low-impact smallholding and how to make biodiesel.

Courses run throughout the year, and you book online, with discounts for students and people who are out of work or on a low wage.

Related posts: Ecological footprint conference at Cardiff University | Go MAD at sustainable living show

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