Speed Read Feed for March 11 2007

By bumpshack

Speed Read Feed for March 11 2007

Democratic meltdown over Fox News participation in Nevada Democratic debate- Las Vegas Review

Infant baby kidnapped from Houston hospital- My Way

USC football players in hot water over ‘White Nation’ Facebook group- Daily">https://www.dailytrojan.com/media/storage/paper679/news/2007/03/08/News/Facebook.Group.Lands.Usc.Football.Player.In.Hot.Water-2764591.shtml">Daily Trojan

Film ‘300′ is on track for the biggest March opening ever- Deadline Hollywood

Bin Laden followers celebrate the terrorist’s 50th birthday- My Way

NASCAR drivers are ripping apart Goodyear tires and the new Las Vegas track- USA Today

FBI abuses could lead to Patriot Act limits- L.A. Times

Google buses help their workers beat rush hour traffic- N.Y. Times

Christina Aguilera reinvents herself again with new tour- San Francisco Chronicle

Extended daylight savings time hopes to become an energy saver- Canada

Iraqi terrorist group leader Abu Omar al-Baghdadi arrested- Outside the Beltway

Former gay porn star Matt Sanchez now popular right wing commentator- CWW

French writer Jean Baudrillard has passed away at the age of 77- BBC

Captain America assassinated by sniper on courthouse steps- L.A. Times

101-year-old woman mugged over $33 dollars- CNN

Man saves bulldog in Nebraska with mouth-to-mouth CPR- Fox News

Anna Nicole Smith case popular topic in U.S. law schools- MSNBC

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