
Bosses at record label Sony are fuming after the U.S. Billboard chart refused to recognize MICHAEL JACKSON’s THRILLER 25 as a new album. The singer’s 25th anniversary edition of the hit LP was relegated to the secondary catalogue chart after Billboard classed it as a re-issue. And Sony is furious, insisting the album contains enough new material for it to be considered a separate recording from the original 1982 version. The updated classic features new collaborations with current artists including Kanye West, Fergie, Akon and Will.i.Am - as well as a new song from Jackson himself. But Billboard has refused to back down, insisting Jackson should be happy with the success of Thriller 25 - as it is number one in the catalogue chart. Billboard’s Geoff Mayfield tells New York Daily News, “We were approached by Sony and Sony BMG to consider Thriller 25 as a current album. But we had to be consistent with hundreds, if not thousands, of reissues that have come to the market. There have actually been new issues of classic albums that include even more new material. We didn’t just make the decision on our own. We contacted major retailers and that was the consensus. “I always understand when people are disappointed when they don’t show as high up on the chart, or on the chart they wanted. It’s the largest sum for an album on the catalogue chart to be sold in 10 years.”

(Via | Entertainment News and ...)

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