7 Reasons I Love Barbie ...

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7 Reasons I Love Barbie ...

Since her arrival in 1959, Barbie has been everywhere and done everything, from including careers as a babysitter to a veterinarian, airline pilot to Olympic figure skater. She’s gorgeous, sweet, smart… everything little girls could possibly want to be. Sure, she’s dealt with her share of controversy, but I adore Barbie, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Here are 7 reasons I love Barbie.


Barbie has worn designer gowns designed by Calvin Klein and Vera Wang. She drives a pink Corvette and a Jeep. She has lots of exotic pets, including a panda and a zebra. Is there anything this girl doesn’t have? Call me commercial and materialistic and shallow, but who wouldn’t want to be Barbie for a day?


Barbie has become an iconic symbol of the modern woman, and she has been inspiring girls for decades. She is a symbol of beauty, independence, and ambition. Barbie has had over 150 careers, from doctor to astronaut, and she has even been a presidential candidate. Her wardrobe is enviable, with designer gowns, a pink Corvette, and a Jeep. She also has some exotic pets, including a panda and a zebra. Barbie is a role model for girls everywhere, teaching them to follow their dreams and be confident in themselves. With all that she has to offer, it’s no wonder that Barbie is so beloved by girls of all ages.

Frequently asked questions

2 She’s Kind-hearted

Barbie is sweet and kind-hearted, almost to a fault. I’ve only ever seen her stick up for herself in the latest movie, “A Fairy Secret.” She’s kind, courteous, sweet, accepting, and helpful. Wouldn’t she make a great bestie?


Barbie is a great role model for young girls and women alike. She has a strong sense of self and is always willing to help others in need. She is also incredibly kind-hearted, always willing to give a helping hand to her friends and those around her. In the latest movie, “A Fairy Secret”, Barbie stands up for herself and demonstrates her strong sense of self. She is also accepting of others, no matter their differences. Barbie is a great role model for young girls and women, showing them what it means to be kind, courteous, and helpful. She is the perfect example of what a best friend should be.

3 She’s Super-smart

There’s no way Barbie could be a fashion model, airline pilot, astronaut, doctor, and NASCAR driver if she wasn’t brilliant. There was some scandal in 1992 when she was quoted as saying “math class is tough!” but she obviously worked through it, graduated high school, and moved on to several rewarding smart-girl careers.

4 She’s Single… Still!

In 2004, Barbie and her long-term boyfriend, Ken Carson, broke up. They’d been dating since 1961, and though she’s not afraid of commitment, Barbie just didn’t want to settle. She’s happy being single… and besides, Australian surfer-boy Blaine is kind of interesting… I love that Barbie isn’t the typical Disney Princess, with her heart set on marriage by the age of 16.

5 She Has a Career (LOTS of Careers) She Loves

I’ve mentioned Barbie’s numerous rewarding careers. I’d love to be a pilot or a flight attendant, a NASCAR driver (ala Danica Patrick) or a doctor… but Barbie is all of these things, and more. Say what you will about her setting unrealistic body images, but in regards to career choices, I think Barbie is a great role model for little girls who, in the past, may not have considered these as career choices.


Barbie has had over 200 careers in her lifetime, ranging from a paleontologist to a computer engineer. She has even been a presidential candidate and a UNICEF ambassador. Barbie has been a great role model for young girls, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and to never limit themselves. She has shown that there are no limits to what a woman can do and that girls can do anything they set their minds to. Barbie has also been a great advocate for female empowerment, encouraging girls to be strong and independent. Barbie has been a great example of female strength and resilience, as she has been able to adapt to the changing times and remain relevant for over 60 years.

6 She’s Not a Bratz Doll

I loathe the Bratz dolls. They look like tiny prostitutes! Even their TV commercials and animated shows make them appear trampy, long before their time. While Barbie is off baby-sitting, the Bratz are wearing thigh-high stockings and mini-skirts to school dances, and quite possibly, un-supervised parties after.

7 She’s Stood the Test of Time

Barbie is more than 50 years old, but little girls the world over still love her. She’s timeless, and that’s another reason I adore her.

I know, I know… a lot of moms out there are shaking their heads, and possibly their fists at me right now, thinking that Barbie’s perfect bodily proportions are setting unrealistic standards for little girls, but neither me, my mother, my aunts, my cousins, my friends, or my daughters have ever held her up to real-life scrutiny, or compared her to our own bodies. And I really think in some ways, she’s a very good role model. Hate her or love her, she’s relevant, and will always have millions of fans and detractors. But I for one love her… and I’m not ashamed of it! Do you love or loathe Barbie? Why? Please share your thoughts!

Top image source: data.whicdn.com

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