7 Reasons for Animal Testing ...

Neecey May 16, 2011

7 Reasons for Animal Testing ...
7 Reasons for Animal Testing ...

Right ladies, today we are going to tackle the very sticky and controversial subject of animal testing. Is it right that animals are kept in cages for the mere purpose of scientists to experiment on them? Does it matter? Is it a moral issue or a legal question? Why is it necessary? Here are 7 reasons for animal testing.

1. No Viable Alternative

Whilst there are some desperate people out there who would probably consent to be tested upon, there really is absolutely no alternative to animals. Even with all the technological advances science has experienced, no computer can replicate the effect of drugs and chemical substances on the human body.

2. Cruelty

Of all the arguments against the reasons for animal testing, cruelty has to be the most quoted example. Some people say how do we know that an animal is suffering, it can’t express pain. They are however, using animals as substitute humans and if something is likely to cause discomfort to a human then surely by inference it’s the same for the animal. Just because a human can say "ouch, you’re hurting me" doesn’t make animal testing right. However, I refer you back to point 1.

3. Morality

There are no morally justifiable reasons for animal testing. It is a scientific necessity and it is scientifically sound.

4. Pain

Not all animal testing involves pain and suffering. A lot of laboratory animals are used for behavioural experiments and research.

5. Effectiveness

Practically every medical advance made in the twentieth century is in part or wholly due to animal testing. Seventy-one of the Nobel Prizes for Medicine in the last 103 years were awarded to scientists who used animals in their research. Our medicine cabinets, drugstores and hospital shelves would be very empty without animal testing and significant numbers of humans would have died without the cures and drugs that result from animal-based research.

6. Self Help

Another of the reasons for animal testing that protesters often ignore is that the scientific research doesn’t and hasn’t just benefitted humans. Farm animals, household pets, wild species and endangered species are all benefiting from the research.

7. Right to Life

The premise of every modern civilisation and culture is based on a person’s inalienable right to life. Every culture has laws to protect that right and also to engender equality amongst all human beings. It is also the belief of most humans that every individual has a right to a quality of life. It is therefore a question of why should a human be denied that right or that quality of life because of a disease or a defect. Humans have evolved with a sense of guardianship towards other humans that makes many of the reasons for animal testing sit on solid ground.

This is a highly emotive subject and not just a question of ethics. I consider myself to be a true animal lover. I support animal charities and I sponsor both a penguin and a dolphin but I am for animal testing. It doesn’t make me feel any less moral for taking this stance and it’s purely personal but ask me if I want them to use rabbits and rats to find a cure for cancer that would have stopped my darling brother from dying at the age of 43 and leaving behind his 5-year old son or to continue research into insulin that keeps my aunt alive then hell yes I am going to say carry on testing. I’m sorry if that upsets anyone but if you want to read a fantastically crafted paper on the ethics of animal testing follow this link

Top Photo Credit: ressaure

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

We live in an Eco-system not an Ego-system. We are not by any means place ourselves above any other living creature. Yes, we do eat animals and that's how it is suppose to work but does that mean we have to abuse them in the process? Animals having feelings and nerves and emotions and anyone who disagrees must be living under a rock. We cannot put ourselves above animals we all have to live as one.

sorry for your loss, but animal testing is not going to find the cure for cancer or aids!!! less than 2% of human illness are seen in animals and a lot of these medicines tested on them have not worked for humans. I don't know how anyone can agree to animal testing

Unfortanely I can't argue anything related to animal testing in medical research, but I'm absolutely against animal testing for cosmetic purposes.

However, the reasons you put in this article are simply stupid, they're all redundant and have no solid basis. So basically you think all the experiments made in the name of science are perfectly legal, if they help to find a cure for some disease? Do you think it was fine that german doctors made experiments with jewish children during the World War II? After all, they discover many things about the human body, like how long a human being can live in freezing water. Is that what you mean? That we just should ignore our conscience and ethical principles in the name of science? Maybe you feel better when you tell yourself that "not all experiments are painful", but not me. I admit that medical research could never advance so fast without animal testing, but that doesn't mean that I feel OK with that fact. Animals should not pay with their lives our obsession with living forever.

There are alternatives to animal testing for BOTH medical and cosmetic procedures. They are able to use live HUMAN cells to test the affects a drug has on the body. However, these methods are not as affective. But I do agree that prisoners should be used for testing. They gave up their freedom of life, liberty, and property. Animals did not agree to this not do they deserve it. These points made in this article are both false and horrific. Animals are able to express and feel pain. Hell we are animals ourselves. Even the animals not used for product testing are usually treated horribly by their handlers. This post will be the cause of me not returning to this site unless an article against animal testing and which companies do not use animal testing as means of researching their products is created.

These are fair points and even though this might be cruel they help i dont agree with animal testing for luxury items such as makeup but for medicin it is helpful science is advancing to find an alternative but meanwhile this saves lives. Also all against animal testing for medicine should be vegans you can argue why breed animals they want to find true love too which sounds over the top but that is the next step. We eat animals with out thinking we are carnivores we're meant to. The human species has put themselves above animals were the end of many food webs we are torchering animals by keeping them as pets but do they really know that do animals have a concience ? If a boy kicks a dog does he get the death penalty? If a dog bites a boy he gets put down. There is not much fairness in human to animal relationship. We need them. And the perfume you have just used there is probably a fluid in it from the anal gland of a beaver,No one is feeling sorry for that beaver! Half of your medecin in the cupboard -tested on animals,Your friend or relative had a difficult birth they and their child could have died without medecin tested on animals . Anyone would be lucky to reach 70 a standart age with out animal testing

This is a joke. You clearly don't know anything about pros and cons and you just wrote a propaganda of something that is just going to hurt a lot of innocent lives and that Is completely avoidable. I definitely will now unsubscribe from this blog.

I agree w al, of the points except 4 bc scientists will not bother with money for pain killers and many tests are painful but animals for science is a sad necessity ( anything else like makeup testing is awful). I do think though that waaaay to many animals are being used and discarded for meaningless tests. But yes it is necessary for diseases and such

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