Real Women Have a Life

By Annie

Real Women Have a Life

"Don't cook. Don't clean. No man will ever make love to a woman because she waxed the linoleum. 'My god, the floor's immaculate! Lie down, you hot bitch.'"
(Joan Rivers)

Through the decades, from June Cleaver to Miss June, we've received the message loud and clear:

A real woman waxes.

Whether we've done it for ourselves, or hired another woman to do it for us, our womanly worth has been judged -- unfairly, I might add -- by the immaculate attractiveness of one surface.

Ridiculous, when you think about it, considering how much traffic that surface gets.

Well thank goodness that an enlightened male like my new broadcasting partner-in-crime, Wombat (, understands that waxing does not the woman make.

A real woman sparkles because she has a life.

In our second show yesterday, which you can download and listen to here, Wombat and I discussed the real-life dating dilemmas of a 30-year-old single mom, "Diana." Diana had emailed me, wondering why men tell her she's great, but then quickly give her the "Let's Just Be Friends" speech.

One of the things that Wombat and I agreed upon during the show -- and believe me, we don't always agree -- is that men tend to find women attractive when they're genuinely busy doing, and enjoying, their own thing.

We wondered if Diana, like a lot of women, gets attached so quickly to a new guy of interest that she comes across to him as someone who needs to get a life, rather than someone who has a life (independent of him...).

The interesting thing is that Diana, in my email correspondence with her, is both smart and sparkly. But I'm betting that men lose sight of that when she comes on too strong too fast.

My advice to Diana?

Treat the early stages of dating like dating, not the beginning of a relationship.

And make an interesting life for yourself.......with or without a man!


Do you have any dating/mating dilemmas or questions that Wombat and I could discuss on an upcoming show?

If so, send them to me at blogannie at, or hit that "Email Me" button at the top of the right sidebar. We won't use your real name on the show, and we disguise identifying information so that you can be completely anonymous if you prefer.

And hey, you don't have to be a woman to send in those dilemmas and questions. It would be great to hear from some men, too.


Speaking of women who lead a full, interesting life, Rolonda Watts had me on her radio show yesterday discussing the Smart at Love "When to Have Sex" survey. To date, nearly 800 people have taken it! If you're not one of them, you can do it now...

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