Pink Vs Billy Idol Hot Mashup


Pink Vs Billy Idol Hot Mashup
Pink Vs Billy Idol Hot Mashup

hey y'all! this week our pal **DJ paul v.** brings us a hot bonus track off a brand new mashup compilation album which you can read about below and then have a listen to pink vs billy idol combined in a hot mashup called **pink wedding**! oh thank heavens today is thursday - i'm so ready for this week to be over! popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

As you know, mashups are pretty much bootleg creations, made in the spirt of fun - and never for sale. But recently, actual CD releases are popping up as more mashups hit the mainstream. One of the pioneers of the mash scene - **Go Home Productions** - has just such a project. It's called 'Mashed' and it features 14 sizzling hot combos (new & old alike), and it's the first legal, all-mashup collection of its kind. You can buy it online at the Mashed Store. But for you, dear Popbyters, you get a bonus track that isn't included on the album. So let's get this party started!

listen to **Go Home Productions - Pink Wedding** (.mp3 5mb)

Enjoy! - DJ Paul V.
The Smash Mix | Indie 103.1FM | Bootie LA | Dragstrip 66

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