Patrick Dempsey amp Andy Samberg do Martha

By popbytes

Patrick Dempsey amp Andy Samberg do Martha

hey hey! before i head back home to the land of no internet access - i wanted to post a bit about this past week's martha stewart show which had both hottie patrick dempsey and funny man andy samberg on as guests - mr. dempsey is just way too adorable for words (i'd run off with him in a heartbeat) and mr. samberg is hilarious - ms. stewart even asked him about his emmy award winning SNL sketch dick in a box that he worked on with justin timberlake (and still cracks me up nearly a year later - my pal candace and i are always like 'step 1...cut a hole in a box...step 2...') anyways check out some pictures & choice quotes below! gosh maybe when i walk back home my internet will be magically back on! (i doubt it but it's ok for this blogger to have hope - i suppose i can at least play video games!) popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!
ms: you're only the second sexiest man in america. how does it feel?
pd: i've been second for three years in a row, so at least i'm consistent.
ms: what did you do you wrong?
pd: i don't know. i need to work out more.
ms: well, matt damon's (sexiest man in america) not so buff.

ms: anything you can tell us about what coming up for 'grey's anatomy'?
pd: there's a nurse now that's come into the picture and i think that relationship will develop.
ms: [to the audience] too bad ladies - he's going to be taken soon!

ms: is it true that your wife cuts your hair?
pd: she does. we met in a salon - she's a make-up artist. if i get my haircut by anyone else, she's knows immediately.

ms: it's a big break to get on saturday night live. isn't it?
as: yeah, it's not bad.
ms: i had to go to jail to get an invitation!

ms: are you making the stuffing this year? which would you hate more, wet or dry [stuffing]?

as: oh man, that's a loaded question. i think that too dry is worse than too wet just as a rule, right?

as: what is cheese cloth?
ms: oh, no. you need some cooking lessons!
as: i've never baked a pie before. do you need me to make mac & cheese?

ms: so what about "'little richard' in a box"? what kind of song is that? what were you making fun of?

as: we weren't so much making fun of as we were paying homage to early 90s r&b. justin timberlake hosted and obviously he's got the pipes.
ms: oh, he does! and you won an emmy.
as: i did. now i only need like 15 or 16 more to tie you.


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